USER DOCUMENTATION Zaheer Shaikh Noshaba Bakht Eric Tse Mayyapan Ramaswamy
Customizing the product How to write rules. How to write rules. The rules are maintaining the cycle between the stage of the chest pain, scheduling of the resource for any specific event in the stage by processing the request of the nature of the work and presenting the result of the scheduling via the user interface images The rules are maintaining the cycle between the stage of the chest pain, scheduling of the resource for any specific event in the stage by processing the request of the nature of the work and presenting the result of the scheduling via the user interface images
Schedule Concepts The services are built around the resources available. The hospital resources from which we store information include: people, equipment, and hospital space. For each resource we want to provide a specific set of properties so that the resource will be able to be identified and used for a service. A resource such as a doctor would contain his/her availability among other information and this resource could be scheduled for some generic or specific service that we will define later. After identifying the resources needed in the pervasive hospital emergency computing environment, we create instances of the resources when needed and are stored in database so that a parser can later manipulate the instances of the resource if needed for a service.
The concept of the Event Space The central part of the framework is composed of KBHandler and scheduler services which manages the KB and resource of the system respectively. The framework is composed of Jini services. The framework is composed of Jini services. When a new service is added to the framework it need to do following things. When a new service is added to the framework it need to do following things. 1. register itself with the Jini lookup server 2. find the KBHandler and register the response event proxy of the service with the KBHandler 3. upload the OWL schema file and ontology to the KBHandler that is used by the service. 4. upload rules associated with the service to the KBHandle. 5. listen for the events in the Event Space.
The framework diagram
ERROR HANDLING RULES. At this point of time the rules written in the project are self authenticating. The rules check the stage, scheduling status the user interface status and implicate if everything is streamlined properly, and the system at the point is error free. At this point of time the rules written in the project are self authenticating. The rules check the stage, scheduling status the user interface status and implicate if everything is streamlined properly, and the system at the point is error free. To trigger the rules we need to assert fact that the tasks at a certain stage of chest pain has been completed, the service handling that stage of chest pain should inform KB handler that it has completed its process, it can be taken care by the event. To trigger the rules we need to assert fact that the tasks at a certain stage of chest pain has been completed, the service handling that stage of chest pain should inform KB handler that it has completed its process, it can be taken care by the event. When any service completes it work it writes the task completion event which is captured by the service requesting resources. The service takes the counter measure to handle this error. The service might generate new schedule request and pass it to Schedule Manager via Event Space Manager. When any service completes it work it writes the task completion event which is captured by the service requesting resources. The service takes the counter measure to handle this error. The service might generate new schedule request and pass it to Schedule Manager via Event Space Manager.
UI screen usage
GUI snapshots: This is the opening main menu screen or panel:
1)resource update: This function helps the operator to update the resource details.