Marking up lattice QCD configurations and ensembles for ILDG Metadata Working Group P.Coddington, B.Joo, C.Maynard, D.Pleiter, T.Yoshie Working group members G.Andronico (INFN), P.Coddington (Adelaide), C.DeTar (Utah), R.Edwards (JLAB), B.Joo (JLAB), C.Maynard (Edinburgh), D.Pleiter (NIC/DESY), J.Simone (FNAL), T.Yoshie (Tsukuba) QCDml is an XML-based markup language designed for ILDG QCDml XML documents describe metadata of QCD ensembles and configurations in ILDG stored in ILDG Metadata Catalogue and searched by users QCDml schema define XML elements necessary for exchanging configurations provide standards of notation and terminology based on common community practices to ensure unique markup XML documents have to conform to schema markovChainURI unique name of the ensemble common in ensemble and config XML format: mc://Regional-Grid/ dataLFN (data logical file name) unique name of the configuration translated by File Catalogue to an actual location of the file (SURL) format: lfn://Regional-Grid/ markovStep has update : unique number of configuration, e.g. trajectory# series : distinguish different runs for the ensemble avePlaquette : used to check configuration integrity physics section X 28 Y 28 Z 28 T 56 use many blocks if coupling parameters are different e.g. Nf=2+1 case glossary explains detail of the action text, pdf, ps, xml, tex coupling parameters #flavours action example e.g. sqrt2kappa periodic Useful for describing the ensemble Dimensionless numbers only {' ampi ', ' amrho ‘, ' mpi_mrho ', ' ar0 ', ' ar1 ‘} observables (optional) link smearing (optional) optional link smearing block in all quark actions General procedure of link smearing –blocking of link variables by APE, HYP.... –projection to SU(3) (unitarization) by stout, invSqrt….. –repeat blocking and unitarization pair several times actions marked up note for sixLinkGluonActions : normalisation is given for tadpole improved actions for others plaquetteGuonAction sixLinkGluonAction (abstract) DBW2GluonAction LuscherWeiszGluonAction iwasakiRGGluonAction treeLevelSymanzikGluonAction tpLuscherWeiszGluonAction plaq. rect. 3d chair gluon actions (isotropic) c0_is_one cs_sum_to_one KSquarkAction askTadQuarkAction domainWallQuarkAction wilsonQuarkAction cloverQuarkAction tpCloverQuarkAction npCloverQuarkAction wilsonTMQuarkAction fatLinkIrrelevantCloverQuarkAction quark actions (isotropic) anisotropicWilsonGluonAction anisotropicTpWilsonGluonAction bare gauge anisotropy direction of anisotropy (usually, T) tadpole factors anisotropic actions latest version – ensemble1.4/QCDmlEnsemble1.4.1.xsd – config1.3/QCDmlConfig1.3.0.xsd meets (almost all) requirements of the community changes (e.g. addition of more actions) will be made on request by the community to learn more about QCDml – visit – study sample XML files – ask MDWG member Lattice actions becoming complicated – minimal explanation is embedded in QCDml schema – human readable documents including mathematical expressions and reference articles will be prepared Summary and More choose either kappaSpatial kappaTemporal or nu,mass Wilson r parameters are optional (default=1.0) anisotropicWilsonQuarkAction anisotropicCloverQuarkAction support two major wilson/clover quark action notations <markovChain xmlns:xsi= " xsi:schemaLocation= " ensemble1.4/QCDmlEnsemble1.4.1.xsd" xmlns=" "> mc://JLDG/CP-PACS+JLQCD/RCNF2+1/RC28x56 _B2050Kud013560Ks013540C1628 namespace schema location ensemble XML <gaugeConfiguration xmlns:xsi= " xsi:schemaLocation= " config1.3/QCDmlConfig1.3.0.xsd" xmlns=" "> double > mc://JLDG/CP-PACS+JLQCD/RCNF2+1/ RC28x56 B2050Kud013560Ks013540C e-01 lfn://JLDG/CP-ACS+JLQCD/RCNF2+1/ RC28x56 _B2050Kud013560Ks013540C configuration XML namespace schema location management section records useful info. to search ensembles 1 CP-PACS+JLQCD RCNF2+1 (Nf=2+1 full QCD with iwasaki RG gauge and non-perturbatively O(a) improved wilson (clover) quark action) B2050 management revisions archiveHistory elem revision=0 revisionAction = generate includes info. of person, date configuration XML one in archiveHistory (generate) is mandatory when optional archiveHistory elem’s are recorded add/replace/remove refer to either XML document or configuration management section of configuration XML includes archiveHistory records information and history of the XML document itself most elements are optional refers to a revision of the XML document ensemble XML management revisions archiveHistory elem revisionrevisionAction CCS, Tsukuba Introduction QCDml structure algorithm section too complicated for generic, hierarchical markup CP-PHMC true ForceStop E-08 mandatory in ensemble XML list of name/value pairs in either ensemble or configuration XML can import your own namespaces Imported namespace has it’s own schema A prefix is used for all elements belonging to the namespace implementation section marks up machine and code information write to for suggestions/proposals