A (Church) Family Covenant Mother’s Day
A (Church) Family Covenant “Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions." 1 J OHN 3:18 ( NLT )
As a (church) family we covenant that We will be a happy family
As a (church) family we covenant that We will be a happy family We will affirm one another by giving and receiving attention, affection & appreciation “Pay all your debts, except the debt of love." R OMANS 13:8 ( NLT )
As a (church) family we covenant that We will be a happy family We will spend time together each week "Enjoy life with your wife." E CCLESIASTES 9:9 ( NIV ) "Children are a gift from the L ORD." P SALM 127:3 ( NLT )
As a (church) family we covenant that We will be a happy family We will cultivate positive attitudes “Fix your thoughts on what is true … honorable … right … pure … lovely … admirable … excellent and worthy of praise.” P HILIPPIANS 4:8 ( NLT ) “A joyful heart is good medicine.” P ROVERBS 17:22 ( NIV )
As a (church) family we covenant that... 1.We will be a happy family 2. We will be a helping family We will readily do our chores readily and without complaint "Do everything without complaining or arguing." P HILIPPIANS 2:14 ( NIV )
As a (church) family we covenant that... 1.We will be a happy family 2.We will be a helping family We will give correction without condemnation Jesus: "I do not judge … I did not come to judge." J OHN 12:47 ( NIV )
As a (church) family we covenant that... 1.We will be a happy family 2.We will be a helping family We will expect the best and do our best "Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do." C OLOSSIANS 3:23 ( NLT )
As a (church) family we covenant that... 1.We will be a happy family 2.We will be a helping family 3.We will be a healthy family We will forgive each other & offer forgiveness "You must make allowances for each other's faults … The Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others." C OLOSSIANS 3:13 ( NLT ) "Love is not proud." 1 C ORINTHIANS 13:3
As a (church) family we covenant that... 1.We will be a happy family 2.We will be a helping family 3. We will be a healthy family We will accept responsibility for our actions "We are each responsible for our own conduct." G ALATIANS 6:4 ( NLT )
As a (church) family we covenant that... 1.We will be a happy family 2.We will be a helping family 3. We will be a healthy family We will accept one another's uniqueness "Accept each other just as Christ has accepted you." R OMANS 15:7 ( NLT )
As a (church) family we covenant that... 1.We will be a happy family 2.We will be a helping family 3.We will be a healthy family 4. We will be a holy family We will worship together “If you obey the commands of the L ORD your God and walk in His ways, the L ORD will establish you as His holy people.” D EUTERONOMY 28:9 ( NLT )
As a (church) family we covenant that... 1.We will be a happy family 2.We will be a helping family 3.We will be a healthy family 4. We will be a holy family We will pray for each other & with each other “I especially need your prayers right now." H EBREW 13:19 ( NLT )
As a (church) family we covenant that... 1.We will be a happy family 2.We will be a helping family 3.We will be a healthy family 4. We will be a holy family We believe that God will do great things in us and through us "God … is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare ask or hope." E PHESIANS 3:19-20 ( NLT )
As a (church) family we covenant that We will be a happy family 2. We will be a helping family 3. We will be a healthy family 4. We will be a holy family “Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions." 1 J OHN 3:18 ( NLT )