Class Notes 4 Biomes
I. What is a biome? A.A biome is a group of ecosystems around the world that share the same abiotic factors (precipitation, temperature, elevation, etc) B. As a result, they have similar communities.
C. Two major types of biomes 1.Aquatic: in the water a. Saltwater b. freshwater 2. Terrestrial: on the land
II. Aquatic Biomes A.Saltwater (marine) 1. Shallow, sunlit zones are called photic zones. These include tidepools and beaches
2. Deep water that doesn’t receive light is called the aphotic zone
3. When freshwater and saltwater mixes, this is called an estuary (many lagoons are estuaries)
B. Freshwater biomes include lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams
III. Terrestrial biomes A.Terrestrial biomes are influenced by latitude, precipitation, and proximity to the ocean. B.They include: tundra, taiga, temperate forest, tropical forest, grassland, and desert.
Summary What makes the earth’s biomes differ?