Clouds… They have names?
There are 3 General Types of Clouds Cirrus Stratus Cumulus
1. Cirrus Clouds Made of ice crystals Thin and wispy clouds Never produce precipitation – but can predict it’s coming! Prefix in naming: “cirro”
2. Stratus Clouds Clouds that are sheet-like or blanket the sky. Clouds that cover most of the sky Prefix in naming: “strato”
3. Cumulus Clouds Fluffy, cotton ball shaped clouds Prefix in naming: “cumulo”
Naming Clouds We use prefixes/suffixes to name clouds “Nimbo” means cloud produces precipitation “Alto” means middle altitude cloud Example: Name a cloud that blankets the sky and produces precipitation
Cloud Families – they’re all related 1. High Clouds All have cirrus in their names Examples: Cirrus, cirrostratus, cirrocumulus
Cloud Families – they’re all related 2. Middle Clouds All have “alto” in their names Examples: Altocumulus and altostratus
Cloud Families – they’re all related 3. Low Clouds All are forms of stratus clouds Examples: Stratus, stratocumulus, nimbostratus
Cloud Families – they’re all related 4. Clouds of Vertical Development Clouds that form from rising air at a cold front Very tall, thick clouds Examples: Cumulus and cumulonimbus
Give me a name…pretty please!