The Art and Science of Questioning An essential skill for effective inquiry teaching and learning
The Making of a Scientist: Richard Feynman
I don't have to know an answer. I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in the mysterious universe without having any purpose, which is the way it really is, as far as I can tell, possibly. It doesn't frighten me. -Richard Feynman
The world looks so different after learning science. -Richard Feynman
I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and know something. -Richard Feynman
Why Is Questioning Important? Causes learners... to think in different ways. to think in different ways. to test their own ideas. to test their own ideas. to transfer their ideas from one situation to another. to transfer their ideas from one situation to another. to discuss words they use to describe their ideas. to discuss words they use to describe their ideas. to extend the range of evidence available to learners to extend the range of evidence available to learners to explain their ideas. to explain their ideas.
Research indicates that questioning is valuable in enabling students to think in different ways and to develop ways of learning. -Dr. Larry Lowery
The art of raising challenging questions is easily as important as the art of giving clear answers. -Jerome Bruner
True dialogue occurs when teachers ask questions to which they do not presume to already know the correct answer. -J. Lemke
Blosser’s Types of Questions Source: Blosser, Patricia E. (2000). How to Ask the Right Questions. Arlington VA: NSTA
Blosser’s Types of Questions OPEN (Divergent) (Divergent) --To pre-assess --To promote discussion or student interaction --To cause students to think in different ways CLOSED (Convergent) (Convergent) -To assess retention of information -To focus thinking on a particular point
Blosser’s Types of Questions RHETORICAL To emphasize a point or reinforce an idea or statement To emphasize a point or reinforce an idea or statementMANAGERIAL To keep the classroom operations moving To keep the classroom operations moving --The crayfish has two pincers, right? --Last week we said that a scientist notebook is a place to do one’s thinking, okay? --Will you turn to page 6, please? --Who needs more time to finish the drawing?
The nature of each question shapes one’s response to it.
More Categories of Questions Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive Domain LEVELS OF THINKING KnowledgeComprehensionApplicationAnalysisSynthesisEvaluation
More Categories of Questions From FOSS Science Kits NARROW Confirming Confirming Integrating IntegratingBROAD-BASED Open-Ended Open-Ended Valuing Valuing Feeling Feeling
Try This on Your Own! Classify Questions in a Teachers’ Guide. Try This on Your Own! Classify Questions in a Teachers’ Guide. 1.Write a question or statement that causes students to think. 2.Write one question/statement per sticky. 3.Classify the question/statement. Narrow-ConfirmingNarrow-IntegratingBroad-Open-endedBroad-ValuingBroad-Feeling
What kinds of questions were planned for teachers by the developers of teacher guides?
Productive Questions Good for Inquiry Science Attention-Focusing Attention-Focusing Comparison Comparison Measuring Measuring Action Action Problem-posing Problem-posing Other: Teacher How and Why Questions
Productive Questions Possible Sequencing of Questions Start with What do you notice? Start with What do you notice? Next, Attention-Focusing and Measuring Next, Attention-Focusing and Measuring Then, Comparing Then, Comparing Finally, Action and Problem-posing Finally, Action and Problem-posing
Questioning and Responding Teacher Question Pause (wait time 1) Pause (wait time 1) Student Response Student Response Pause (wait time 2) Pause (wait time 2) Teacher Response Teacher Response
Questioning and Responding Wait Time I (wait several seconds) Wait Time I (wait several seconds) Wait Time II (allow other children to respond after a child responds) Wait Time II (allow other children to respond after a child responds) Encouraging Debate: Do you agree or disagree? Explain your thinking. Encouraging Debate: Do you agree or disagree? Explain your thinking.
YOUR TURN Plan a wide range of questions for the Inquiry Learning Experience lesson plan. Use Productive Questions.
YOUR TURN 1. Brainstorm possible questions. 2. Make a chart. Categorize Q’s. Attention-Focusing Attention-Focusing Comparison Comparison Measuring Measuring Action Action 3. Sequence the questions.
Example for Cartesian Diver What do you notice when I squeeze the bottle? What do you notice about the dropper? What do you notice about the water level in the dropper? How does the water level in the dropper compare before I squeeze and after I squeeze?
Example for Cartesian Diver What would happen if we unscrew the cap? How can we get the dropper to remain in the middle of the bottle? Are there other materials we could use as a diver?
Inquiry into authentic questions generated from student experiences is the central strategy for teaching science National Science Education Standards
Link to Rhode Island Beginning Teacher Standards Standard 5: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Teachers... -Pose questions that encourage students to view, analyze, and interpret ideas from multiple perspectives. (5.2) -Engage students in generating knowledge, testing hypotheses, and exploring methods of inquiry and standards of evidence. (5.4)