Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 1 eHealth Activity Plan in Latvia Rinalds Muciņš, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Health, Latvia
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 2 eHealth implementation roadmap in Latvia eHealth policy eHealth implemen- tation plan EU ERDF IKT/eHealth activity planning Information System architecture IS delivery and implementation IS concept and procurement preparation eHealth program Program management framework Individual IS project Centralized activities Standards, legislation, guidelines
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 3 eHealth program - set of coordinated individual projects and activities 1.Common goals and outcome/output indicators 2.Common program management structure and processes 3.Common project implementation guidelines and methodologies 4.Usage of common standards and centralized components/solutions 5.Decentralized individual project management and budgeting
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 4 eHealth success factor – contribution from all stakeholders (I) 1.State Vision and policy setting IT support of public functions Definition of framework and standards Ensuring common infrastructure (EHR and other centralized systems) Facilitation of IS development of service providers (including financial support of specific projects )
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija eHealth success factor – contribution from all stakeholders (II) 2. Service providers Initiation and implementation of there IS projects Looking for funding (there will no be free lunch from state!) EU/EAA funds, internal resources, etc Cooperation, shared services 3. Solution vendors Preparation and delivery of eHealth solutions Sharing experience, knowledge Participation of public-private partnership models 5
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 6 eHealth policy overview Implementation plan
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 7 1. Implementation of Electronic Helath record 1.Implementation of Health record IS; 2.Standards on information exchange 3.Integration platform(1) 4.Electronic Health insurance cards(1) 5.Information security(2)
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 8 2. Digitalization of health care providers 1.Preconditions for development of electronic medical history 2.Promotion of development of health care providers IS 3.IS on assistanec for medical decisions
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 9 3. Digitalization of health care management 1.Development and introducing IS for ambulances service 2.Developments IS for statistical data collection 3.Common IS for health care supervision 4.Development of IS for another institutions
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija Digitalization of diagnostics and telemedicine 1.Central archive for images of visual diagnostics 2.Central archive for clinical diagnostics 3.Promotion of radiology IS 4.Development of telemedicine (consulting centers)
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija Digitalization of health care workflows 1.Development of e- prescriptions IS 2.Development of e-booking 3.Digitalization of referrals (e- referrals) 4.Digitalizaton of data exchange with inurance companies
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 12 6.Facilation of e-readness 1.Information for public (patients ad medical staff) 2.Education of health care staff (computer literacy) 3.Support for introducing computer based systems in health care institutions
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 13 7.eHelath program managment 1.Establishment of managment structures 2.Supervision of program implementation 3.International cooperation
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 14 Costs
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 15 Key activities in Program management framework setup 2.Concept development and procurement preparation for the following eHealth components (delivery of systems in 2008) Electronic Health Record IS Integration platform ePrescriptions IS Central visual diagnostic (radiology) archive IS Emergency Medicine IS 3.Implementation of particular projects Hospital of traumatology and ortopedics Other projects financed by EAA funds
Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija 16 Questions?