HA405: Leadership and Ethics in Health Care Week 2 Seminar School of Health Science
School of Health Science Week 2 Seminar In this week’s seminar we will cover: Autonomy Non-Maleficence and Beneficence Justice Looking forward to Unit 3 Moral Integrity Code of Ethics and Administrative Practice Conclusion School of Health Science
School of Health Science Autonomy Autonomy is one of the four major principles of health care ethics Supported by the teachings of Frankl and based on the belief that all people have worth and should be given respect and self determination Goes hand in hand with informed consent Autonomy is also practiced when information about a person’s health, family or status is kept private People deserve to know the truth about their conditions, so autonomy arises in this area as well Finally autonomy calls for keeping your word and promises to others School of Health Science
Non-Maleficence and Beneficence Non-maleficence and beneficence are two parallel principles of ethics Non-maleficence, meaning “do no harm” has been upheld as both a medical standard and a legal practice The “do no harm” standard is extended to patients and staff Beneficence is another aspect of the health care industry Patients expect to be treated with kindness and charity and that the health care organization will act in their best interest An atmosphere of caring should be extended to staff members as well If the staff is treated with caring it increases the odds that they will treat the patients in that manner as well School of Health Science
School of Health Science Justice In a health care setting justice is concerned with doing what is perceived to be fair or deserved This may be difficult in practice because patients may have an idealized view of what justice is This happens because the health care system is a business and many factors must be balanced Health care providers must be able to maintain the proper the fair distribution of justice to all patients Do not forget the importance of your position as a health care administrator when it comes to staff justice as well Even small things done carelessly can be seen as unfair Staff should receive the same level of fairness that is given to patients School of Health Science
School of Health Science Looking Forward In Unit 3 we will be looking at Moral Integrity and Code of Ethics and Administrative Practice To get you started we will begin a brief discussion on these topics You will read and review chapters 13 and 14 on these topics School of Health Science
School of Health Science Moral Integrity In Chapter 13: Moral Integrity, we will learn about ideas that present what it means to be a moral administration in a challenging environment There is no absolute definition of morality, but experts agree on certain themes Morality can be seen as everyday behavior that allow us to live successfully with one another Morality includes concepts like values and duties Personal Morality includes the values and duties that you hold independent of work or social groups People must not only make the best moral choice for the situation, but must also be responsible for the choice you made The chapter also explores what happens when professionals loose their moral compass School of Health Science
Code of Ethics and Administrative Practice In Chapter 14, we will explore the Code of Ethics and Administrative Practice We will learn the importance of maintaining a code of ethics and why many professional organizations adopt a formal code of ethics A code of ethics is necessary because as health care professionals you will face situations where there is no clear cut solution Codes of Ethics are tools to give you greater guidance when faced with these issues Codes of ethics also serve as prevention tools that set boundaries for acceptable behavior School of Health Science
School of Health Science Conclusion Remember the role autonomy plays in your interactions with patients and staff You have a duty to “do no harm” to both patients and staff A health Care Administrator has to make sure justice and fairness occurs across the board Carefully read the chapters on moral integrity and ethics and administrative practice School of Health Science