Drugs and drug treatment An introduction
Harry Shapiro Director of Communications and Information DrugScope
What is DrugScope? UK’s main drug information charity since 1968 UK’s largest drug sector membership organisation Main point of call for media comment and background on drugs issues The DMZ
The 1980s Recession Iranian revolution Smokeable heroin (UK) Smokeable cocaine (US)
Drug headlines Overall illegal drug in the UK has been relatively stable for the past ten years Cocaine powder is the exception Price and purity levels of most drugs coming down But new market in ‘home-grown’ cannabis producing a stronger product Heroin and crack present the most problems for society as a whole Heroin population growing older Drug problems of younger people – cannabis, alcohol, cocaine New drugs – ketamine, GBL, legal highs
The next level? Ecstasy Cannabis Amphetamine Heroin Methadone Cocaine and crack LSD Mushrooms Solvents GHB Ketamine Methamphetamine Tranquillisers GBL Spice Methadrone Salvia BZP INTERNET
Prescription drugs 1 Subutex [Buprenorphine] Morphgesic[Morphine] DF118 [Dihydrocodeine] Temgesic [Buprenorphine] Physeptone [Methadone] Ritalin
Prescription drugs II Diazepam Temazepam Prozac Codeine Viagra illicit Valoid [Cyclizine] Viagra pharmacuetical
Drug treatment – the headlines 200,000 in treatment out of estimated problem drug using population of 320,000 (heroin/crack) in England Typical profile – white, male heroin user in early thirties Three times more men in treatment than women Most common referral routes – self 40%; criminal justice 27% Waiting times down to less than than three weeks for most modalities More than three-quarters of clients stayed in treatment for twelve weeks or more
Types of drug services Advice and information Harm reduction Community prescribing Counselling and psycho-social support Structured day programmes Detox Rehab Self-help
Some current issues Abstinence v Harm Reduction Recovery Welfare Reform Independent Safeguarding Authority
The Scapegoat
Further information