Layout as at 1 st July 2007 Public Rooms Offices/Reception Museum Cafe Friends of Museum Shop Physiotherapist Art Exhibition Staff Room Library
Physiotherapist room has already moved to new location in former staff room Option A – Café in “Horseshoe” Public Rooms Offices/Reception Museum Cafe Friends of Museum Shop Physiotherapist Art Exhibition Staff Room Library New reception desk (DDA compliant) and offices moved to rear of 1 st floor Staff room is moved into space previously used as a kitchen for café upstairs Museum retains part of rear gallery and moves forward to former café space Friends of Museum Shop moves to foot of stairs to museum and has a direct link with it Café takes space around stairs to Main Hall and a small “scullery” is provided for dishwashing Existing art exhibition space retained and extra room is provided around café walls
Option B – Café in Rose Room Public Rooms Offices/Reception Museum Cafe Friends of Museum Shop Physiotherapist Art Exhibition Staff Room Library Physio room, offices, reception desk, staff room, museum and museum shop all as before Café moves into Rose Room with enlarged door opposite Reception Lose Room hire during day Existing art exhibition space retained and extra room is provided around foyer/cafe
Option C – Café Upstairs Public Rooms Offices/Reception Museum Cafe Friends of Museum Shop Physiotherapist Art Exhibition Staff Room Library Café retains its original location in front part of upper gallery overlooking reception Museum retains exactly same footprint it has always had with the entrance via cafe Physiotherapist room has already moved to new location in former staff room New reception desk (DDA compliant) and larger enclosed office space replaces existing Staff room is incorporated into the new set of staff offices. Fire exit via shop required Friends of Museum Shop has to move into this area as no other viable location on ground floor Existing art exhibition space retained but no extra space possible