Academic Raceway 500
Welcome to the Academic Raceway 500 Complete Three Races to Win the Academic Trophy Qualifying Lap Atlanta Motor Speedway Indianapolis 500 (Questions come from pp in the textbook.) Click here to begin. Click here to begin.
Qualifying Lap QUALIFYING LAP Click on the key to start
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. Where was Muhammad, the founder of Islam, from? IndiaJapanMeccaBethlehem
Click here to begin the road to the Indianapolis 500. You’ve Crashed!
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. Muhammad had a vision that he had been named a _______ by Allah, or God. prophetangeleternal hostfather
You’ve Crashed Click here to begin the road to the Indianapolis 500.
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. Followers of Islam are called _______. HebrewsMuslimsMeccanitesJews
You’ve Crashed! Click here to begin the road to the Indianapolis 500.
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. The Islamic world was originally ruled by a religious and political leader called a ___________. saintmormancaliphking
You’ve Crashed! Click here to begin the road to the Indianapolis 500.
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. What are the two largest branches of Islam? Hindu and BuddhistSunni and ShiaProtestants and Catholics Democrats and Republicans
You’ve Crashed! Click here to begin the road to the Indianapolis 500.
Congratulations! You’ve Qualified! Click here to go to your first race.
Atlanta Motor Speedway Click on the key to start
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. The Sunni and the Shia disagree over what? Who should lead the Islamic world The VedasMohammed is a prophet or not Nuclear war
You’ve Crashed! Click here to begin at the Atlanta Motor Speedway.
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. What is the Qur’an (Koran)? River in IraqArabic for excellenceHoly book of Islam Japanese word for chopsticks
You’ve Crashed Click here to begin at the Atlanta Motor Speedway.
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. kingqueenpresidentprime minister Who is the supreme leader of Saudi Arabia?
You’ve Crashed! Click here to begin at the Atlanta Motor Speedway.
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. What is the most important part of Saudi Arabia’s economy? coffeesandtobaccooil
You’ve Crashed! Click here to begin at the Atlanta Motor Speedway.
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. What country is the leader of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)? United StatesSaudi ArabiaIraqIsrael
You’ve Crashed! Click here to begin at the Atlanta Motor Speedway.
Congratulations! You’ve Completed the First Race! Click here to go to your final race—the Indianapolis 500—to win the Academic Cup!
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. Qualifying Lap Indianapolis 500! Click on the key to start
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. What is the primary language of Saudi Arabia? IslamHebrewArabicMuslim
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. You’ve Crashed! Click here to begin at the Indianapolis 500.
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. Saudi’s laws and customs limit what? women’s activitiesThe kings powerSpace explorationNumber of pets
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. You’ve Crashed Click here to begin at the Indianapolis 500.
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. What do Saudi women usually wear in public? sarigold jewelryblack cloak and veilwestern clothes
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. You’ve Crashed! Click here to begin at the Indianapolis 500.
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. What country invaded Kuwait in 1990? GermanyIraqEnglandJapan
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. You’ve Crashed! Click here to begin at the Indianapolis 500.
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. Who is a successful student? Me me me me!I don’t knowI am!Me!
Pick the right pit stop to win the race. You’ve Crashed! Click here to begin at the Indianapolis 500.
Congratulations! You’ve Won the Trophy! THE WINNER’S CIRCLE