OPEN DAYS the 2007 European Week of Regions and Cities in a nutshell Biggest annual event on EU Regional Policy involving more than 600 speakers, 5,000.


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Presentation transcript:

OPEN DAYS the 2007 European Week of Regions and Cities in a nutshell Biggest annual event on EU Regional Policy involving more than 600 speakers, 5,000 participants visiting 150 workshops organised in Brussels, plus more than 100 local events all over Europe; 2007 theme: "Making it happen: Regions and Cities deliver growth and jobs“, the focus is on the launch of the new cohesion policy programmes for the period worth about EUR 350 billion; five sub-themes: (1) Attracting investors, (2) Proximity matters; (3) Spending it wisely; (4) Crossing borders; (5) Efficient delivery plus several seminars on the international dimension of regional policy; Organisers and Partners: organised by the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission, Regional Policy Directorate-General; in partnership with 212 regions and cities from 33 European countries, other Commission services and EU institutions and business, banking and civil society organisations.

Event’s partners 212 regions and cities from 33 European countries organised in 24 thematic groups European Commission Portuguese Presidency Business, banking and civil society organisations

The Schedule

Workshops & seminars 150 Seminars: clearly dedicated to target groups 600 speakers: regional policy experts from all over Europe presentating cases and ideas and opportunities to transfer these Debates: will be oriented at exchange with the audience

It’s the possibility to present ideas, to meet experts, to arrange meetings and … to have a coffee together; It comprises seven thematic villages focusing on regional development and: Energy; Environment; Financial Engineering; Health; Knowledge Society; Research and Innovation; Transport; It offers more than 40 seminars; It’s located at the Committee of the Regions, rue Belliard 99 What’s the Investors’ Café?

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