Walt Disney By Nick Calton
Early life He was the fourth child out of five His mother was named Florence Disney His father was named Elias Disney He was raised at his uncles farm in Missouri.
Disney’s teenage years He wanted to get a job in the newspaper drawing at age 16. He dropped out of high school at age 17 to serve in world war 1 In world war 1 he drove the ambulance car
Universal studios He worked for universal when he first started the cartoons. Universal took his Oswald cartoon. He quit and then made his own company.
Walt's own company He made Walt Disney with his brother Roy Disney. They made a lot of movies including snow white, Cinderella, the little mermaid, and a lot of others He also made Mickey mouse, Minnie mouse, Goofy, and Donald, Pluto
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Sources cited "Disney, Walt ( )." UXL Biographies. Online ed. Detroit: UXL, Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Collier County Public Schools. 5 Mar Images from Google!