MediaCom 2004 An ITU-T Study Group 16 Project P.A.Probst, Swisscom SA Chairman SG16/ITU-T Multimedia Services, Systems and Terminals
Created in recognition of zthe rapid growth in digital, wireless, and IP networks; zthe convergence of technologies e.g. broadcasting, communications, information technology, etc.; z that multimedia topics are addressed in many SDOs; zthe growth in multimedia services and applications; zthe need to study performance, interworking, inferfaces etc. for user satisfaction. MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002
Objective: MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 to create a framework for the harmonized and coordinated development of multimedia communication standardization for use across all ITU-T and ITU-R Study Groups, and in close cooperation with other regional and international SDOs and industry forums.
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 Mobile Network IP NetworkCS Network Telephony, FAX, VPS/VCS, Webcasting, Multimedia Telephony, FAX, VPS/VCS, Webcasting, Multimedia Gateway Goal: to reduce need for higher layer Gateway functionality
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 Project Status: zScope and plan drafted 1999/2000 zApproved by ITU-T WTSA Oct zWorkshops - IP Networking/Mediacom 2004 (Geneva, April 2001) - MM in the 21st Century (Brazil, June 2001) zSteering Committee meeting: - Kick-off meeting (23 April 2001) zProject updating: - SG16 meeting, Brazil, May SG16 meeting, Geneva, February 2002 zNext review: - WS MM Convergence (Geneva, March 2002) - SC meeting (Geneva, 14 March 2002) - Other ITU-T Workshops (Security, Optical, Sat.,..))
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 zOther ITU-T Study Groups zITU-R Study Groups zIETF zISO/IEC zRegional bodies, e.g. ETSI zIndustry & other bodies as required Seeking to work with:
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 zSeven Framework Study Areas (FSA) zAligned ‘Questions’ in Study Group 16 zDatabase of multimedia related standards zMediacom 2004 Steering Committee Progress SG16 work via
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 MEDIACOM 2004 Framework in SG16 MEDIACOM 2004 (Q A/16) Generic Questions B/16 to H/16 Framework Standardisation Areas (FSA) Equipment and system questions 1/16 to 15/16
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 Project MediaCom 2004(A/16) zMM Architecture (B/16) zMM Applications and Services(C/16) zInteroperability of MM Systems and Services(D/16) zMedia Coding(E/16) zQoS & E-to-E performance in MM Systems(F/16) zSecurity of MM Systems and Services(G/16) zAccessibility(H/16) Framework Study Areas (FSA):
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 MediaCom Steering Committee zA tool to aid coordination across all SDOs working on multimedia communication standards zAddress multilateral issues zCo-operation through discussion to provide customer oriented solution zHigh level representatives of ITU and SDOs zMembers: SGs ITU-T, SGs ITU-R, IETF, MPEG, ETSI, W3C, ….
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 MediaCom Project results (1) zPermanent review of the project is performed (see SG16 web site) zThe Workshops represent an excellent opportunity to improve the communications among the different entities involved in the development of MM standards zThe coordination is in general performed at working levels z Role of the SC is to address coordination issues at high level
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 MediaCom Project results (2) Highlights from the first workshop (IP-Networking and MediaCom 2004) zTransition towards NGN zE-Commerce/E-business zMM service evolution zConvergence/Interactive broadcast zService billing/accounting zIP VPN zMM mobility zMM access platform --> for more details, please consult the final report of the WS
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 MediaCom Project results (3) Convergence/Interactive Results from the session on Convergence/Interactive Broadcast Broadcast of the first workshop : zArchitecture/Services : zArchitecture/Services : open model common to the different SDOs developing convergence services zNetwork resources: zNetwork resources: network and system design allowing the use of asymmetrical resources zTransport platform: zTransport platform: specific requirements to allow evolutionary approach zAPI: common zAPI: common APIs to allow separate evolution of services and networks zRoaming: zRoaming: interactivity over different networks zServices: zServices: common model for service description allowing customisation including location based services
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 MediaCom Project results (4) Convergence/Interactive Results from the session on Convergence/Interactive Broadcast Broadcast of the first workshop (I) : zServices : zServices : service models and description methods should support specific business models (content/transport/etc…) zDigital Rights Management: zDigital Rights Management: Services and system should support DRM zDigital Cinema: zDigital Cinema: impact on A/V codecs and transport networks zMedia coding: zMedia coding: functional model and speech recognition zTerminals: zTerminals: development of a common model
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 MediaCom Project results (5) Convergence/Interactive Results from the session on Convergence/Interactive Broadcast Broadcast of the first workshop (II) : zConvergence: zConvergence: definition? zSpectrum: zSpectrum: coordination between network/system - designer and the bodies dealing with spectrum issues zBusiness cases: zBusiness cases: coordination among organisations developing convergence services to define market expectations zService provisioning and regulatory framework: zService provisioning and regulatory framework: better assess the impact of the regulatory framework on the provisioning of MM services
MediaCom 2004 ITU Workshop on Multimedia Convergence, Geneva March 2002 Conclusions: zCoordination and harmonisation in the development of standards for convergence services IT/Telecommunications is under way zUrgent need to progress in the coordination and harmonisation in the development of standards for convergence services Broadcasting/IT/Telecommunications zMEDIACOM 2004 of SG16 is the umbrella for this activity in the field of services and applications zThe present workshop is an excellent opportunity to progress in the understanding of the work in this field and to coordinate the work of our respective entity with other SDOs and involved organisations.