CyberFair Magnet Project John Muir School All teachers collaborate Grades K-12 Content Area: Multidisciplinary Project Grouping: Various
International Schools CyberFair, now in its 14th year, is an award-winning, authentic learning program used by schools and youth organizations around the world. Students conduct research about their local communities and then publish their findings on the World Wide Web.
Muir Uses Eisenberg’s “Big Six” Steps for CyberFair Research 1. Task definition 2. Information seeking strategies 3. Location and access 4. Use of information (online presentation) 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation (not only of our project but of projects from around the world)
CyberFair Evaluation Rubric Theme beyond classroom experience students are ambassadors community involved Content ideas, organization, Language Bibliography and narrative required Technical work, layout appearance colors icons multimedia effects
Technology Supplies Needed Computers: , WORD, Excel, PAINT Cameras for original photos of student experiences and work GarageBand for podcasts for works cited page
Support staff Most teachers and students at Muir contribute to CyberFair. It is an all-school project. This year Muir included a field trip to the Natural History Museum and Paideia seminar experiences in CyberFair.
Final Presentation Format: Web Site with Work From All Grades
K-2: PAINT Titles Tech goal: Making graphics and writing text with PAINT Content goal: Student learns forms of water (ice, mist, snow, etc.)
Grade 3 WORD Art Titles Tech Goal: Use WORD ART. Content Goal: Identify sub-topics for research.
Grade 4: Podcast about Water Tech Goal: Make a podcast Content Goal: Know how to save water Hear it at r/waterfacts.html
Grade 6: Word Tables Game Tech Goal: Use tables. Content Goal: Learn vocabulary.
Grade 7-8: Data Displays Using Facts about Water and Weather Tech Goal: Use Excel. Content Goal: Present statistics.
Grades 9-10 Grades 9-10 made their own web pages which are part of CyberFair. Tech Goal: Make a web page. Content Goal: Present facts about water in San Diego.
Evaluaton All CyberFair participants did peer evaluations of projects from other countries. Tech Goal: Rate web sites. Content Goal: Learn from other students.
CyberFair Registry Find hundreds of CyberFair projects at