Open House Mason Creek Elementary School Mrs. Shipp’s Class Where Wolf Cubs are Way Cool!
Welcome to 4th Grade! We are going to have an interesting and productive year filled with exciting activities!
About Mrs. Shipp My background Bachelor’s and Master’s in Early Childhood Education from West Georgia Specialist’s in curriculum and instruction from Piedmont College My experience I have been teaching for 7 years. I’m thrilled about teaching 4 th grade this year! Please visit my school webpage to read more about me, my classroom, and fourth grade.
Behavior Expectations One of the most important aspects of to maintain a comfortable, productive, and safe classroom is to establish behavior expectations. We feel that the best way to accomplish this is by focusing on the development of leadership qualities of every student..
Behavior, cont. We will be establishing procedures in the classroom that encourage: Proactive behaviors Student accountability and responsibility Focus on the most important things that will help them achieve their goals. Positive attitudes
Consequences A color system to help students monitor their behavioral success for the day. Each student will move a clip with his or her name for exceptional or inappropriate behavior. Guidelines for this system follows:
Behavior Plan Start each day – Green = “Great Behavior!” Super Behavior – Purple = “Exceeds Expectations!“ 1 st Offense – Blue = “Warning.” 2 nd Offense –Yellow = “Warning.” 3 rd Offense – Orange = “Action Plan.” Written during 10-minute time out at recess. The Action Plan will be stapled inside the agenda for a parent’s signature, and is expected to be returned the next day. 4 th Offense – Red = “Time Out.” Sent to another 4 th Grade teacher’s classroom. Physical misconduct or continued misconduct = Automatic office visit!
4 th Grade Agenda Parents: Please check and sign your child’s agenda EVERY NIGHT! The signed agenda should come back to class EVERY DAY! Your child should write his homework in his agenda daily, and complete all assignments for the next day.
Homework Homework is given every night except Friday. It is your child’s responsibility to write down the homework in their agenda. There are consequences for not completing homework unless there is a note from the parent.
Wolf Cub Pack Facts All information will be sent home in the Wolf Cub Pack Facts on Tuesdays Student work should be signed and returned Please review any work in the folder with your child. Return the empty folder SIGNED the next day.
Special Areas PE Your child will have PE 2-3 times a week. Appropriate PE shoes are important for participation and safety. Music and Art Music and Art will alternate weekly in- between PE classes.
Conferences We will have two conferences during the school year. If you need to meet with me before the conference time, just call or send an . For your convenience, conferences may be telephone calls, or in person.
Money Send ALL money in a sealed envelope with reason for money, student’s name, and homeroom teacher’s name. Any money must be collected or turned in during morning assembly by 7:45 AM.
Breakfast/Lunch Breakfast 7:15 - 7:45 Lunch 11:25 – 11:55
Absences/Tardiness Morning Assembly begins in the gym at 7:45 AM. School begins promptly at 8:00 AM. Students must be physically in the classroom when the 8:00 bell rings, or they will be marked tardy. Absences require a written note. Check the MAES parent handbook for more information.
Who will facilitate learning in 4th grade? ELA, Writing, Social Studies – Mrs. Shipp Math & Science – Mrs. Jiles Your child will switch everyday between us.
What do we learn in 4th grade? Writing – Mrs. Shipp We are very excited about our new Lucy Calkin writing program this year. Every student will grow and be enthusiastic about writing! Each student will have a 3-ring writing portfolio binder to contain their in-process writing.
Writing, cont. Since one way to grow in reading is through writing, we have fun with writing workshop daily. Students will have multiple opportunities to express themselves through writing during the day. Writing homework involving research and reading will support in-class writing this year.
Reading Mrs. Shipp The Focus is to grow your passion and fluency with Reading! Key Ideas & Details – Determining meaning, making inferences and making connections. Craft & Structure – Comparing texts, developing vocabulary, and growing Lexile. Integrating Knowledge & Ideas
Math – Mrs. Jiles There will be daily problem solving activities. We will use Calendar Math everyday, which helps with repetition of important Math concepts. Mastery of all basic facts is imperative for success!
Social Studies- Mrs. Shipp Science – Mrs. Jiles Our Social Studies and Science units are thematic. Students may be assigned monthly projects to complete at home, to reinforce what they have learned.
BYOT Bring Your Own Technology at Mason Creek will be integral to instruction this year. Please visit the media center for more information.
Math Night Please plan on attending Math Nights this year to get a better understanding of what your student is learning and how to help them with math homework. You will have the opportunity to see and practice some of the math concepts that your child will be learning.
Daily Schedule 8:00-8:10-Unpack and Prepare for the Day 8:10-9:00- Specials 9:00-10:10- Math with Mrs. Jiles 10:10-11:20- Reading with Mrs. Shipp 11:25-11:55- Lunch 11:55-12:10- Recess 12:10-12:40- Writing with Mrs. Shipp 12:40-1:35- Social Studies with Mrs. Shipp 1:35-2:30- Science with Mrs. Jiles
Contact Information Voic (770) MAES Office number (770) Notify Me