NEXT GEN YSLOW Marcel Duran Betty Tso Exceptional Performance Team
Yahoo! Exceptional Performance WPO - Web Performance Optimization Y! Property Performance Scalability Make Things Go Faster
Look Ma, I can haz speed!
performance analysis logic XUL HTML CSS JS network panel HTTP headers
performance analysis logic HTML CSS JS X-domain AJAX HTTP headers
Look Ma, new friend
Firebug Net Panel
NO ACCESS to Network Panel
- apples to apples more accurate less accurate precision
Hello Mobile
performance analysis logic HTML CSS
bookmarklet injection WITHOUT messing with the page
performance analysis logic HTML CSS YUI JS ? HTTP headers
AJAX can't cross borders
scalable proxy solution needed
performance analysis logic HTML CSS YUI JS YQL HTTP headers
post page onload resource detection
contentWindow.onload listener iframe
inject Doc HTML content
Mutation events listener: - DOMNodeInserted - DOMAttrModified looking for src and href onload
coming soon powered by new mobile friendly interface
coming soon JSON in the cloud support
coming soon open source
coming soon multi language
coming soon { "log":{ "version":"1.1", "creator":{ "name":"Firebug", "version":"1.6.2" }, "browser":{ "name":"Firefox", "version":"3.6.15" }, "pages":[{ "startedDateTime":" T01:50: :00", "id":"page_34997", "title":"dvd - Yahoo! Search Results", "pageTimings":{ "onContentLoad":987, "onLoad":1052 } ], "entries":[{ "pageref":"page_34997", "startedDateTime":" T01:50: :00", "time":771, "request":{ "method":"GET", "url":" "httpVersion":"HTTP/1.1", "cookies":[{ "name":"B", "value":"f0lhc3p6nkqd4&b" }, { "name":"CH" HAR importer command line JavaScript
Thank you! YQL
YSlow for Mobile, Beta
Alpha Demo ** expires 6pm PDT **
Exceptional Performance Contact us