Cloud Computing 12/7/20151
Traditional Computing Hardware – Computers with CPU (hardware) – Storage (hard disk or other materials) – Software packages 12/7/20152
Definitions Not completely new Too many definitions (will be discussed later in this course) 12/7/20153
Characteristics Users do not need any storage, application programs (except web browser), computers – Everything is in the Internet Users need only a device (PC or Smart Phone) with web browser and the ability to connect to Internet 12/7/20154
Cloud computing vendors Google Mircosoft IBM HP Amazon Salesforce 12/7/20155
Create an account Using Google (or other vendor) Use Google “docs” and “calander” Compare with Microsoft office and outlook – i.e. word, excel, powerpoint, calendar – Advantages and disadvantages Alternatively compare two vendors (i.e. similar “Office” and “Outlook” functions) 12/7/20156
What are advantages? What are the disadvantages (if any)? Is it working properly? How can you improve it? Will you use it (for your project?) ? Why or why not? 12/7/20157