Linked Open Library Bielefeld Conference, Dr. Silke Schomburg
Agenda 1.Basics 2.Why LOD? 3.hbz LOD activities a) b)culturegraph 4.Perspectives 2
Basics 3
Linked Data Principles 4
Picture of LOD cloud 5
A sustainable strategy of publishing and linking data on the web requires the data to be open. 6
7 &
Why LOD? 8
Motivation Use of international and cross- domain web standards leads to Increased discoverability Multiple usability of one dataset Maximized interoperability & re- usability Flexible data model Things you can‘t say about traditional library data… 9
Expected ROI Synergy effects through standardization of technology stack: Quantitative: saved resources Qualitative: improved services 10
hbz LOD activities 11
12 Since 2009Annual SWIB conference (together with ZBW)SWIB 03/2010First open data publicationopen data publication Since 06/2010 Coordinating the OKFN WG on Open Bibliographic DataWG on Open Bibliographic Data 07/ launched 11/ starts 01/2011PrinciplesPrinciples on openbiblio data 11/2011Legal open data guide Legal open data guide published, DINI-KIM recommendations for opening up library datarecommendations 13
Technology stack Data: exports from legacy systems & LOD dumps Triple Store: 4store4store Search engine: elasticsearchelasticsearch RDF browser: PhresnelPhresnel Read news on our hbz LOD bloghbz LOD blog 14
lobid-organisations RDF descriptions for more than 40k international organisations Data sources: German ISIL registry & MARC Organization Code database Not (yet) openly licensed 15
16 Source:
lobid-resources LOD interface for open data from hbz union catalog Licensed with CC0 Currently more than 10M records Links to other datasets (GND, ZDB, DBpedia,, …) See description on the Data Hub for more informationthe Data Hub 17
18 Source:
culturegraph 19
Open platform for interconnecting datasets Persistent Identification of entities Computation of similarities and links Administration and publication of mappings Open Data / Free SoftwareFree Software 20
culturegraph as signpost in the LOD cloud 21 Hidden duplicates Different services Different interfaces ? Culturegraph !
First Project: Resolving & Lookup Input: 6 German union catalogs Objective: Bundling of manifestations Service: Publication of bundles Minting URNs for approved bundles Search bundles using established identifiers Take a look at the DemonstratorDemonstrator 22
Perspectives 23
Bulding a service-oriented library infrastructure Centered around culturegraph Funded by DFG (?) Cooperative development by several German library service centers and DNB 24
Characteristics Based on free flow of open data Real-time communication Web Services: Deduplication Service Identifier Service Holdings & Availability Service … Generic API 26
SWIB 2012 ”Semantic Web in Libraries" (SWIB) hosted by hbz and ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics Cologne, 27
Thanks. Questions? With pleasure now/here or also later to 28
License 29 These slides are published under a Creative Commons license: