Paradise Valley Unified School District Phoenix, Arizona Jeff Billings GoogleTalk and WebEx
PVUSD Numbers 34,000 students (K12) Northern Phoenix square miles 45 schools - 13 Title 4,200 employees 16,000 computing devices - Mac, Chromebook, iPad, Windows, Linux 88% of high school population has high bandwidth at home
Gooogle and GoogleTalk pvLearners - brand of Google Apps for EDU Four year evolution - first year for all students AND employees - unique, managed accounts - 50,000 Core Google Apps - GoogleTalk, Blogger, Picassa, YouTube, Docs, gMail, Calendar, etc.. Only system used for student/teacher online communication and collaboration Hosted in Cloud
GoogleTalk Interface all students, teachers, administrator s web browser - lower TCO waiting for Google+
General Google Apps Use
GoogleTalk Use Intra and Inter school student use - within bells and at home Mandarin - Practice with a Partner ELL - Elementary students helping English proficiency of high school students Music assessments Student/Teacher/Administrator Departments
WebEx Collaborative Suite of Audio/Video and Content Hosted in Cloud Various Centers - Meeting/Training/Event/Support Recording, Annotation, Break Out Rooms, etc. Content shared through computer, iPad, doc camera PVUSD IT “passes the ball” to support and manage
Host (Computer) iPhone Participant
iPad Participant Cius Participant
IT in WebEx 7am to 7pm support/JIT “pass the ball” concurrent licensing
One Touch WebEx and TelePresence integration 8 CTS units 12 Cius tablets 720 resolution from TPx unit to WebEx participants
NHS Student WebEx Training OneTouch (WebEx and TelePresence) to train on WebEx for tutoring
General WebEx Uses NHS Student Tutoring - w/o OneTouch Hybrid PD courses - all IT courses - 50/50 split 7am to 7pm support and one on one JIT Gifted, 4th grade classroom, integrating with pvONLINE Events - 50 to 250 Just starting with Training Center - advanced tools