Cloud Foundry Part II - Tutorial Dr. Guy Tel-Zur
VMC Install Ruby gem install vmc (VM command line) gem install sinatra (Ruby) vi hi.rb (see next slide) Installing VMC: g-vmc.html g-vmc.html VMC commands quick reference: quick-ref.html quick-ref.html
Let’s test this code c:\Users\telzur\tmp\cloud>
Check at the browser Getting started: Getting started:
VMWare Player
After one time setup procedure which is not shown here
Same password as in item #3 in the previous slide
Error message! Make sure that your application is the only file in the folder otherwise a huge file will be deployed. Solution: next slide
Test the application
vmc info
Scale up the application X6 memory
Scale down the application
STS = Springsource-Tool-Suite
Use the password you used when you registered for the account
Double click here
2 instances