Indonesia Program
Northern Sumatra Biodiversity Corridor Outcomes: Saving 4.5 M Ha of Sumatra’s last biodiversity stronghold Technical support for developing sustainable economic alternatives, such as ecotourism in Batang Gadis National Park including product development, market linkage, policy development
Siberut Island Conservation Outcomes: Saving 200K hectares high endemism, fragile island ecosystem thru conservation concession Develop integrated planning for the Mentawai Islands Ecotourism; bringing benefit of tourism to local community
Challenges: Existing legal & illegal logging Inconsistence forestry policy Lack of comprehensive tourism planning Unsustainable tourism practices Anchoring Waste disposal
GEDEPAHALA Corridor Outcomes: Securing 100K Ha habitat for Javan threatened species Established Nature and Education tourism
Bird ’ s Head Seascape Marine tourism development (entrance fees, zonation, streamlining licensing, buoys) Outcomes : Saving 4.5 M Ha of the World’s “Epicenter of Marine Biodiversity”
Mamberamo Mega Corridor
Effective protection and sustainable management of Ha key marine and terrestrial biodiversity areas of Togean Islands Marine National Park Outcomes: Effective protection and sustainable management of Ha key marine and terrestrial biodiversity areas of Togean Islands Marine National Park TOGEAN ISLAND NATIONAL PARK Facilitation to improving transportation options to the Togeans from other regional tourist centers; linking community initiatives to broad-scale tourism development; and integrating ecotourism concepts into regional development policy
CI Indonesia Strategy: Promote Community Based Ecotourism
General Challenge Capacity of stakeholders (government agency, private sectors and local community) to implement ecotourism (putting theory into practice) How do we know that we implement ecotourism and not just tourism to natural areas? What criteria and indicator is used to show significant impact from tourism to conservation outcomes? How to make sure that ecotourism can contribute to improving management of protected area (e.g. by contributing part of tourism revenue to management cost of protected area) How to minimize impacts of ecotourism to ecosystem, culture and traditional economic practices? Involvement and participation of local community to tourism project Global and local security issues
Challenges for CI Indonesia Lack of in-house expertise and resources CI Indonesia restructuring into CBC (exiting from GEDEPAHALA and Togean NP programs)
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