Poems Bret Dockery Mrs. Smartt 5 th period
Table of contents Cinquain Acrostic Limericks Diamante Quatrain Free verse
Cinquain: An unrhymed poem consisting of five formatted Snake big colorful Slithering,bitting,running The scariest thing ever Poison-filled
Acrostic: a un-rhyming name poem Z | ig zaggy A | wesom C | razy H | elpful E | xciting R | espectful Y | earning for fun
limericks : 5 lines funny poem often silly follows the pattern aabba Cow The cow said Im full The horse said I could eat a bull The bull said no you can’t The horse said yes I can even a plant The horse said how do you know you’re a bull
Diamante: is a poem that doesn’t rhyme it is written In a shape of a diamond ZachCool Blonde headed, tall Star wars loving,computeraddict -ive Cool Brown headed Funny person Dillon
Quatrain: a quatrain is a poem that has 4 lines with a rhyming patternTires They are so rubbery & so blubbery They are as black as a tack
Free verse: free verse has NO particular pattern Cat in a hat Dog in a log Hog in a dog Hat in a bat Bat in a hat
Free choice Acrostic Brave Rummaging Exciting Terrific