Two Ways Naturalized Steps: 1.Legally Live in the U.S. for 5 years 2.Apply (Ask Permission) 3.Pass a Social Studies test 4.Pledge Allegiance to the U.S. 5.Be 18 years old Natural Born (By Birth) 1.You were born in the U.S. 2.If your parents are citizens then you are too
1. What are two was of becoming a citizen? a. ______________ b. ______________ 2. If you were _________ in the United States then you are a citizen of the United States. 3. If you legally live in the U.S. for ______ years then you can try to become a naturalized citizen. 4. If your _________ are citizens but you were born somewhere else you are still a U.S. citizen. 5. You must be ________ years old to apply to become a citizen. Quick Review Birth Naturalized 5 Parents 18 Born
Time to Test You Directions for the cut and paste activity 1.Cut the characters out 2.Glue them where they belong a. On the Natural Born side or b. Naturalized side After everyone is done go to the next slide to check your answers.
Path to being a citizen! Natural BornNaturalized