1 Unit Conversions Angelique Luedeker, ITEP. 2 Unit Conversions and TEISS TEISS does some of the math for you Emission Factor (EF) x Activity Data = Emissions.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Conversions Angelique Luedeker, ITEP

2 Unit Conversions and TEISS TEISS does some of the math for you Emission Factor (EF) x Activity Data = Emissions TEISS provides EF You provide activity data

3 Emission Factors EF is basically a conversion factor Examples Lbs of PM 10 emitted/ton of wood burned Lbs of PM 2.5 emitted/vehicle mile traveled Lbs of mercury emitted/ton of coal burned Example 0.5 lbs CO x 10,000 tons coal = 5,000 lbs CO 1 ton coal

4 Unit Converter in TEISS TEISS has unit conversion tool

5 TEISS Unit Conversion Tool Area is selected, shows list of area units

6 TEISS Unit Conversion Tool Mass is selected, shows list of mass units

7 TEISS Unit Conversion See handout and practice using Unit Conversion Tool

8 Energy Unit Conversion Converting energy units often requires knowing energy density of a given material Energy density can vary within material TEISS Unit Conversion Tool cannot convert energy to other unit categories, such as volume

9 Energy Density Examples Natural gas from different sources provides differing amounts of energy High-heating value gas has 1027 BTUs/ft 3 Low-heating value gas has 930 BTUs/ft 3 Most gas is somewhere in-between Different kinds of wood provide different amounts of heat when burned

10 Energy Density Defaults What if you don’t know energy density of your reservation’s natural gas or wood? Use defaults For natural gas, EPA’s AP-42 gives 1020 BTUs/ft 3 For wood, TEISS provides a converter within the wood-burning calculators Allows you to enter volume of wood (cords) and specify wood type Then it calculates tons of wood per cord required to do calculation

11 Energy Unit Exercise See handout and work through 2 questions related to energy density