THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM: Red states, blue states, Green Party and Tea Party
ROLE OF GOVERNMENT? Central question to figuring out political philosophy.. Friend? Foe? Frenemy?
Economy, Business and Taxes
FISCAL/ECONOMIC What should government’s role be in the Economy? (business, housing, ss, taxes) Who does a better job ensuring a strong economy?
Govt = Friend - Liberal-Economic Safety Net and Watch Dog Spending for public services and direct assistance Taxes OK- espec. For rich and corporations Deficit spending- debt OK if needed Regulation of business=needed
Govt = Enemy - Conservative- Free Market is BEST! Rely on community/charities Low taxes- esp. for “job creators” Oppose deficit/debt spending (govt spending what it does not have) De-Regulation- let business run their business
Social Norms and Values
SOCIAL VALUES What should the role of government be in your lives/families/communities? WHO/WHAT SHOULD SET SOCIAL VALUES/NORMS?
Social Values- ex:should folks be able to burn flag in protest? Government=Friend More Involvement-Traditional Values - focus on past, center on family, religion, community norms OVER individual rights Govt=Enemy Less Involvement - Progressive Values - focus on future, center on freedom/choice, individual rights OVER community norms
The Political Spectrum This is the traditional spectrum in American politics. We read it left to right
Radical Far left, desiring fundamental or revolutionary societal change. Emphasizes the needs of the whole vs. the individual -- Communism --socialism --revolution --Karl Marx and Malcolm X
Liberal “This land is your land, this land is my land..” Economic/Fiscal - Big role- Govt=Friend (Safety Net) –Regulation of Business is good/Need Safety Net – Tax & Spend on Public Services (“our money”) –Social Security, Welfare, Unemployment, Env. Social Values - Less Involv – Govt=EnemyProgressive –Focus on individual rights/protections –Evolves with changing standards –Pro Choice, Pro Gay Marriage, Pro gun control, pro legal drugs
Conservative “Pull yourselves up by your boot straps” Economic/Fiscal - Small Gov’t- Govt=Enemy (want free market) –Trust business more - little regulation –Little Tax & Little Spend (It’s my money) –Anti-welfare/soc security, pro-business, trickle-down Social Values - More Involv. Govt=Friend, Traditional –Gov’t should set community standards –“The good ol’ days” –Pro-Life, Anti Same Sex Marriage, Anti Undoc. Immig.
Reactionary Far right- opposes social change; uses complete governmental control to maintain order -- Hitler, Mussolini, Franco- Fascism --Stalin- authoritarian rule --Military in charge --law and order w/few personal rights
Libertarian “The best kind of Gov’t is a weak Gov’t” Economic/Fiscal – Govt=Enemy (free market) –Lassiez Faire – Anti-Regulation and subsidies –Little or no Tax/ Spend on services –No social security, No gov’t bureaucracies Social Values - Less Involv, Govt=Enemy- Progressive –No gov’t involvement in our lives/families/homes –Individual Rights/Freedoms most important –Pro-choice, Support Same Sex Marr., Pro legal drugs, pro gun rights
Populist “ Gov ’ t by the masses and for the masses ” Economic - Big Role- Govt=Friend (safety net) Anti-Tax, but pro spend on public services More suspicious of business/wealth than gov’t Likes social security, benefits, medicare, pro union Social Values- More Involvement – Govt=Friend, Traditional Rights, wisdom, virtue of common people Community standards trump individual rights Pro-life, Anti-gay marriage, Xenophobic/Nativist tendencies, pro-gun rights
A Note on Foreign Policy Populists- isolationists Radicals- usually very anti-war, or could be pro- Revolution Liberals- limited intervention (diplomacy over intervention Conservatives- Active Intervention over diplomacy Libertarians- Isolationist Populists- Isolationist
A Note on Foreign Policy Populists – Isolationist Liberals – Limited Intervention (Diplomacy over Military) Conservatives – Active Intervention (Military over Diplomacy) Libertarians - Isolationist
PLACE THE FOLLOWING IN THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM The Obamas The Bushes Eastern WA Shoreline families Fox News MSNBC Donald Trump “Stephen Colbert” Corporate CEO ’ s Labor Unions Ron Paul Communists TEA Party Adolf Hitler Green Peace environmental group Corporate CEO ’ s Labor Unions Ron Paul Communists TEA Party Adolf Hitler Green Peace environmental group
Civic Mirror Political Spectrum Place on your chart Capitalist Socialist Fascist Conservative Liberal Environmentalist Humanitarian (maybe)