B.Sadoulet CfAO 2/4/ Education and Outreach We are getting started Bay Area/Chicago; Rochester; others Personnel and resources Getting CfAO scientists and young people involved Extension to other nodes Identify volunteers Education and outreach at CfAO needs to become a contact sport
B.Sadoulet CfAO Education 2/5/ We are getting started! Put personnel and resources in place Berkeley/LLNL Chabot (Bay Area) Summer teacher workshop: work needs to get started immediately Alu-Like: got a head start; 2 interns so far; 2nd generation being recruited now Chicago Space Explorers in place (Dec 27-29) but need CfAO volunteers for August 8/5-11 camp Chautauqua workshop for undergraduate instructors Teacher workshops: Carthage/Yerkes Aug 10-11, HOU 14-16, YSE Oct 200 Career Management series - March workshop in Berkeley - Fall series in Bay Area and Chicago Rochester Link UCSD/UCLA optics for undergraduates: a workshop? HBCU partnerships Why? Problem at the site visit,, LLNL problem with funding of Reed, 20% of Colette Patt given to CfAO by UCB as part of contribution link with Minority Graduate Education Evaluation Initial contacts with Isabel Hawkins/Lisa Kala (Center for Science Education at SSL)
B.Sadoulet CfAO Education 2/5/ Personnel and Resources Associate Director + coordinator at UCSC Ads not out yet: Needs to be at highest priority! (NSF is watching) Definition of role of “coordinator” with Education Partnership Center Consider appointing interim Associate Director for Education and Outreach ASAP Berkeley UCB contribution 20% of Colette Patt + some AA support for her: $20K $26K for Education Personnel Colette Patt (HBCU) Rachel Winheld (March CMS workshop, ISTAT,Chabot) supported by subcontract and UCB contribution Maria Isaac ? (ISTAT, Chabot?) Postdoc very much interested in education - Wait for decision on her part - I would like to restore the 50% postdoc position in the Berkeley budget - Could have tremendous effect in bringing Berkeley education together Identify evaluation person from Center for Science Education, starting at least with Chabot Overlap/synergy with our current attempt to unify education among UCB astrophysics units
B.Sadoulet CfAO Education 2/5/ Getting CfAO scientists involved Extension to other nodes UCSC Define collaboration with Education Partnership Center, Saturday Academy, New Teacher Program, Science and math Institute. Some involvement in Chabot? Who is the scientist pushing the agenda?A 50% postdoc may have a large impact LA area Need to talk with Andrea Ghez, Jim Larkin and Mike Brown: focus, lead scientist? Identify volunteers and integrate in CfAO life Talk at Feb 4 workshop Not sure it was very effective, needs follow up in Berkeley, Santa Cruz, UCLA CfAO web site plus /sign up sheet => map interest Use of other scientific events /EAB An education retreat? May be too early Distribute education progress reports to education node coordinators Priority may be to constitute active nodes around the science/technology, then weave in linkages and outreach