Staying the Course- Making a Difference NC State Improvement Project SIP II November 6, 2007
SIP II strives to increase the quantity and improve the quality of personnel providing leadership and instruction for students with disabilities.
NCSIP Personnel Development Process Workshops Content Foundations Model Training Tasks/Skills Student Progress Evaluation Research- Based Practices Reading Writing Mathematics On-site Fidelity Observations 3 per year Coaching On-site Program Reviews Annually Review Research Literature Identify Instructional Principles Training Content Training Strategies/ Tasks Model Programs Develop- mental Reviews Analysis & Formal Feedback Trained Observers Feedback & Coaching Evaluation & Reporting OSEP Long-Term Performance Indicators AYP Student Characteristics Project Characteristics School-Based Best Practice Centers/Sites Selection of Centers/Sites Develop Plan
Management Identify Sites Allocate Resources Build Relationships Support the network
NC’s Best Practice Centers Reading/Writing Reading Centers Reading/Writing Demonstration Centers
Content Implementation Demonstration Centers Scaling Up Extensive professional development Literacy Consultants Leadership
Role of the Literacy Consultant The literacy consultant is responsible for building relationships with key personnel in each of their LEAs in order to facilitate the development of a long-range strategic plan to provided research-based reading/writing instruction to students who are struggling readers.
SIP II Literacy Staff Development 42Reading Foundations Training: 42 trainings have been scheduled and/or provided as of June Additional Trainings offered: –DIBELS –Direct Instruction Reading Coach Training –Specific Reading Program Training –Training of Trainers for Reading Foundations (Over 40 trainers now approved to provide the 30 hour course)
Evaluation Power of Results Stay the Course- with research- based instruction
How Are We Doing? AYP Reading Progress for All NC Students, All NC Students with Disabilities and NC SIP Students Student GroupN % AAGL % AAGL % AAGL % AAGL % AAGL AAGL Gain All NC Students* All NC SWD* NCSIP NCSIP Centers/Sites NCSIP Centers/Sites NCSIP Center/ Sites NCSIP Centers/Sites * End-of-Grade (Reading) Grade 3-8 Multiple Choice Test %
COMPARISON OF READING PROGRESS OF ALL STUDENTS AND STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES (SWD) Percent At or Above Grade Level GAIN ALL NC STUDENTS * 87.4* 10.3 NC SWD * 64.8* 20.5 * based on multiple choice EOG
% AAGL Comparison of Reading Progress of Students With Disabilities Statewide and NCSIP Project 2002 – 2007 Statewide NCSIP % AAGL = Percentage of Students At or Above Grade Level Multiple Choice EOG
Sustainability SIP Orientation Developmental Review Fidelity of implementation SIP Updates Spring Celebration
Comparison of student achievement in classes where Teachers participated in Fidelity observations compared to classes that did not Teachers participated in Fidelity observations Number of Students % AA Grade Level in 2005 % AA grade level in 2006 Gain Yes No
Offers guidance regarding implementation and sustainability of Scientifically-based Literacy and Math Programs Provides specific information by region on program implementation and opportunities for training Furnishes SIP II Evaluation Reports and Performance Reports
“We can, whenever and wherever we choose, successfully teach almost all children to read. We already have reams of research, hundreds of successful programs, and thousands of effective schools to show us the way. Whether or not we do it must finally depend on how we feel about the fact that we haven’t so far.” (McEwan, 1998)
Contact Information Laura H. Snyder Dave Lillie
NC State Improvement Project II presents…
We’d like to teach the kids to read with perfect prosody. We’d like the district, school and class to stay in harmony. We’d like for every girl and boy to be at level 3 for every school in our state to make their AYP
It’s the reading thing with a vision to guide Carolina pride It’s the reading thing!
We’d like to touch, taste, feel and see. That’s multisensory. We’d like to see our kids on task and taught with energy. We’d like all teachers to be trained and teach with fidelity. Effective coaching and support is a top priority.
It’s the reading thing with a vision to guide Carolina pride It’s the reading thing!
We’d like to see consistency and resource equity. We’d like accountability to be shared equally
It’s the reading thing with a vision to guide Carolina pride It’s the reading thing!