Regional Committee Meeting - Secretary R4 Secretary Bill Gorder
01/18/112 January 13, 2011Southeastern Michigan Section 100 th Anniversary (tentative) January 22, 2011Region 4 Regional ExCom webinar meeting January 22, 2011Region 4 Regional Regional Committee webinar meeting February 18-22, 2011IEEE BOD Series – Miami, FL February 20-26, 2011Engineer's Week March 4-6, 2011IEEE-USA Annual Meeting – Austin, TX May 3, 2011ProCon 2011 – Cedar Rapids, IA May 15-17, 2011EIT-2011, Minnesota State University, Mankato June 22-28, 2011IEEE BOD Series – Bellevue, WA August 17, 2011Region 4 Regional Committee meeting, San Francisco, CA August 18, 2011Region 4 Executive Committee meeting, San Francisco, CA August 19-22, 2011Sections Congress 2011, San Francisco, CA October 20, 2011Southeastern Michigan Section 100 th Anniversary November 16-17, 2011IEEE Board of Directors Series – New Brunswick, NJ xxx xx, 2012EIT-2012, Indianapolis, IN
Roster 1 st part is regional officers 2 nd part is section chairpersons Lower left shows term ending date –12/2011 if you have reported your election and have a calendar year term –Inform Bill Gorder of any errors Update your member profile in myIEEE on IEEE web site to fix contact info in error
Approve Minutes All should have received e-copy of minutes All section chairpersons or designated delegates vote All Regional committee officers vote Any errors or questions?
Action item 1: The region is to provide webinars on vTools capabilities with hands-on training including on-line elections, web-in-a-box, managing meetings, meeting calendars, and the sharing of meeting information, and help with locating Region 4 and IEEE training resources.
Action item 2: The region is to call attention to section leaders of major events student branches may participate in. This includes the event, why student branch officers should be involved, dates, and financial support. The section officers will be asked to interface with the student branches to better assure participation and benefit. Event candidates include the Student Leadership Conference, Ethics Competition, Student Paper Contests, and IEEE Extreme.