Cuppa Coffee Co. Kathryn Cannon Mission Statement: Our mission, at Cuppa Coffee Co., is to supply the finest coffee from the farm to the cup to inspire and fuel the human spirit while giving customers quality service every day
What is Cuppa Coffee Co. Cuppa Coffee is a small coffee shop in Forest Grove, Oregon. It has two building locations; one is a small shop by Pacific University and the other is a warehouse used to store and roast coffee beans. The reason for two locations is so Cuppa Coffee can use vertical integration which is when the supply chain of a company is owned by that company. This gives Cuppa Coffee more control over the product that is being sold. In short Cuppa Coffee is a coffee shop.
I chose this because… I like coffee Coffee shops are easy to open in the Northwest It seemed interesting
Research I mainly did research on the market and industry for my business. I started by researching good locations that would have a viable market for a new coffee shop and then I found all the background information on the coffee industry. It spans from larger chains to smaller shops, the history of coffee to its modern uses.
Introduction Introduction: Cuppa Coffee is located in Forest Grove, Oregon. It uses vertical integration to have more control over its product. It was started in the fall of 2014-2015. The owner and founder is Kathryn Cannon. Products and Services: Bagged roasted and ground coffee beans Espresso Drinks; lattes, mochas, cappuccinos Tea
Vertical Integration When the supply chain of a company is owned by that company. The raw coffee beans are roasted in the warehouse and then sent out to the smaller shop.
Market Market: The target market for Cuppa Coffee are people of all ages but mainly people in their early twenties to late forties. This is good market for the area because of the University in the area. This is about 6,653 people and the population of Forest Grove is growing.
Industry Industry: The coffee industry really took off in America during the Revolutionary War. Now there are about 52 million coffee drinkers in America. Coffee is considered a “mature” product on the market but is still expected to grow at an average annual rate of 2.7%.
Location Location: There are two locations for Cuppa Coffee because of its use of vertical integration. The first location is the actual coffee shop, located at 2032 Pacific Ave. Forest Grove, Oregon. The second location is a warehouse used for storing and roasting the coffee beans; its located at 2345 Quince St. Forest Grove, Oregon.
SWOT Analysis Strengths: Weaknesses: SWOT Analysis Coffee is still a growing industry Vertical Integration Variety and Uniqueness Weaknesses: No brand recognition Little experience No established supply chain
SWOT Analysis Cont. Opportunities: Threats: SWOT Analysis Location Increased income Threats: Other coffee shops Home brewers
Challenges and Changes There weren’t that many challenges in creating this business plan except me procrastinating. The hardest part was research but that turned out to be fairly simple. If I were to make changes in the way I went about making this plan, I would have put more effort into the first drafts of each section so I didn’t have to go back and make as many changes. I also would have done a little more research instead of just making things up on the spot.