Major Art Modality Utilized: Visual Multiple Intelligences Addressed: Verbal-Linguistic, Visual-Spatial Lesson Abstract: Students will create an digital illustration of a word containing a Greek or Latin root which visually defines the meaning of the word. Materials Needed: a list of Greek and Latin root words and words to illustrate. computer access, a digital art computer program (such as CoreFx, PhotoShop, Paint, KidPix, or Gimp) to create a digital illustration. [Alternatively paper and traditional art materials (pencils, markers, crayons, colored pencils) may be used to create an illustration.] Procedure: Have root words and words with those roots in them available for students. You may wish to have students choose their root word or assign words to students. Students use dictionary to find meaning of their root word, and choose one word containing the root word for their illustration. (for example: uni- meaning one. Uniform, unicycle) Once students have a clear understanding of the meaning of their word, students begin to sketch out their idea. (Students may be required to complete a few sketches before choosing their final design for the illustration. This may assist the students in being able to clearly communicating their idea to the viewer.) Students create their final illustration, labeling both the root word and meaning. Also they should include the word define in their illustration. Student work examples included on pages 2 and 3 of this lesson. Standards Addressed in this Lesson: AKS use knowledge of Greek and Latin roots to read new words and determine their meanings (GPS, ITBS) (3LA_C ) (4LA_C ) (5LA_C ) (6LA_B ) apply information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of artworks (GPS) (3VA_E ) (4VA_E ) (5VA_E ) create artwork based on personal experience and selected themes (GPS) (3VA_C2011-6) (4VA_C2011-6) (5VA_C2011-6) Standards Addressed in this Lesson: AKS use knowledge of Greek and Latin roots to read new words and determine their meanings (GPS, ITBS) (3LA_C ) (4LA_C ) (5LA_C ) (6LA_B ) apply information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of artworks (GPS) (3VA_E ) (4VA_E ) (5VA_E ) create artwork based on personal experience and selected themes (GPS) (3VA_C2011-6) (4VA_C2011-6) (5VA_C2011-6) SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Don’t Forget Your Roots: Illustrating Root Words Language Arts 3 rd -6 th Grade SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Don’t Forget Your Roots: Illustrating Root Words Language Arts 3 rd -6 th Grade Page 1 of 4
Standards Addressed in this Lesson: AKS engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas (GPS) (3VA_A2011-1) (4VA_A )(5VA_A2011-1) create artwork from visual memories, imagination and/or emotions (QCC, CE) (6VA_A2005-1) explore relationships between visual arts and other disciplines (QCC) (6VA_C ) explore the creation of art using technology (QCC, CE) (6VA_A2005-5) Standards Addressed in this Lesson: AKS engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas (GPS) (3VA_A2011-1) (4VA_A )(5VA_A2011-1) create artwork from visual memories, imagination and/or emotions (QCC, CE) (6VA_A2005-1) explore relationships between visual arts and other disciplines (QCC) (6VA_C ) explore the creation of art using technology (QCC, CE) (6VA_A2005-5) Examples: SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Don’t Forget Your Roots: Illustrating Root Words Language Arts 3 rd -6 th Grade SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Don’t Forget Your Roots: Illustrating Root Words Language Arts 3 rd -6 th Grade Page 2 of 4
Area for Teacher Notes: SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Don’t Forget Your Roots: Illustrating Root Words Language Arts 3 rd -6 th Grade SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Don’t Forget Your Roots: Illustrating Root Words Language Arts 3 rd -6 th Grade Page 3 of 4
Area for Teacher Notes: Assessment: Rubric SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Don’t Forget Your Roots: Illustrating Root Words Language Arts 3 rd -6 th Grade SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Don’t Forget Your Roots: Illustrating Root Words Language Arts 3 rd -6 th Grade Page 4 of 4 Root Word Illustration IllustrationIllustration is creative. Artist uses space wisely and shows excellent craftsmanship Illustration is clear to the viewer. The message is clear. The work is complete but difficult to see. The artist’s work is unclear to the viewer or incomplete. Use of Root WordThe root word is properly spelled and defined. The illustration clearly matches the definition of the word. The root word is visible and spelled properly. The illustration does not clearly match the definition of the word. The root word is not defined properly, misspelled, or missing. The work is incomplete. Resources/ Links: Gwinnett County Schools list of root words for 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th grade: 5B0/$file/GreekandLatinRoots3-5.pdf Know Your Roots: The web’s largest root directory