Ch. 2.2 The English Colonies. New England Colonies – MA, RI, CT & NH Religious dissenters – 1630 Massachusetts Boston – Puritans » Anglican reformers.


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Presentation transcript:

Ch. 2.2 The English Colonies

New England Colonies – MA, RI, CT & NH Religious dissenters – 1630 Massachusetts Boston – Puritans » Anglican reformers » Didn’t accept other religions » Late 1600’s Salem witch trials

– 1636 Connecticut Thomas Hooker & congregation – Sought religious freedom – 1644 Rhode Island Roger Williams – Forced to leave MA » Thought it was wrong to take Native American lands – Accepted all faiths

Middles Colonies – NY, NJ, PA & DE – New York was a Dutch colony 1 st English fleet seized New Amsterdam 1664 king gave it to the Duke of York – York gave southern part away » 1702 became New Jersey – 1680 Pennsylvania William Penn – Quakers – Ideals of peace, equality, justice – religious freedom – Relations with natives was peaceful 1704 southernmost counties became Delaware

Southern Colonies – MD, VA, NC, SC & GA – 1624 Virginia Founded in 1607 Settlers successful in tobacco Indentured servants – Paid for their voyage by working on farms » Clothing, food & shelter provided until labor contract ended – Eventually turned to slave trade to meet demand for labor Relations with natives was hostile – Gov tried to restrict taking of land » Nathaniel Bacon led rebellion vs. this policy

– 1629 North & South Carolina Began as Carolina but split Profited from rice, tar & indigo Indentured servitude – Plantation system – Eventually led to slavery for labor needs – Triangle trade » Rum to Africa for slaves and gold » Slaves to West Indies for sugar & molasses » Sugar & molasses to America to make rum

– Georgia James Oglethorpe Founded as a colony for debtors & poor – They often found themselves in prison in England – Fresh start A barrier btw Spanish FL & other English colonies

See chart on pg