1 Forms as Perfect Models Compare Leo and Leona –both lions –one male; one female –one limping; one healthy –different in some respects yet both lions
2 What makes it true that Leo and Leona are both lions? They are similar to a perfect lion-model; (they conform to the same basic design) This model/design = FORM of being a lion
3 Forms are –real (not cognitive figments) –imperceptible, abstract, immaterial, eternal –what make sensible/physical things be the kinds of things that they are; –targets of genuine knowledge
4 Plato: Innate Knowledge In its most basic form, learning is classification Basic learning involves coming to know that x is F –e.g. this is a dog –e.g. that is a cat
5 To classify x as F, one must first know what an F is –e.g. to classify something as a dog or cat, one must first know what a dog or cat is To know what an F is (the Form of F), one must have knowledge of what is Universal and Essential to being an F.
6 –e.g. to know what a dog or cat is one must know the definition of being a dog or being a cat definitions depict Forms –definitions are universal they apply to all of the things falling under the definition regardless of their spatial/temporal locations
7 –definitions describe essence they describe what is necessary or essential to all of the things falling under the definition
8 Sensation cannot convey what is universal or essential –sensation is always limited to what is present in space and time –sensation does not distinguish between essential and inessential
9 Hence, knowledge of what things are (definitions of the universal and essential) must be innate Hence, basic learning or classification presupposes innate knowledge of what things are (innate knowledge of Forms)
10 Hence, although one might learn that some particular thing (noticed in observation) is an F, it is impossible to learn what it is to be an F; it is impossible to learn what a Form is; Forms are known innately
11 Innate Knowledge: Short Version What appears to be learning is really recognition –to learn that Fido (what you see) is a dog, you must recognize Fido as a dog
12 All recognition is really pattern matching –Fido looks like a dog! Pattern matching presupposes prior innate knowledge of the basic pattern Basic Patterns are Forms Hence, learning presupposes innate knowledge of Forms
13 The Slave Boy Just an example of innate knowledge Notice that Socrates only asks questions Does the example exhibit recollection of innate knowledge?