Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) G. Vogel, F. Ament*, C. Heret, U. Rummel
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) COSMO-EU
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG)
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) May 2006 June 2006 Vertical profile of specific humidity at MO Lindenberg
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) MeasurementCOSMO-EUTERRA (stand-alone) End of snow period Transition zone (min->max) Transition zone (max->min) Plant cover soil moisture (3-9cm) sand Falkenberg (MOL DWD)
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) Solar albedo Snow height (6 UTC) Falken- berg 2006 rain measurementreference sim.sim (mod. melting & snow albedo)
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) measurement reference sim. sim (mod. melting & snow albedo) rain
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) evaporation of bare soil according to Noilhan et Planton (1989) infiltration based on hydraulic conductivity* modified root density function with exponential reduction* modified transpiration rate of dry leaves* Modifications to improve the soil moisture simulation with TERRA7 (COSMO-EU) *adopted from GME
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) Soil moisture (3-9cm) Falkenberg site
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) Improvement of soil temperatures (6cm) COSMO-EU
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) Sensible heat flux May 2006 Latent heat flux May 2006 Improvement of turbulent heat fluxes (Falkenberg) Bowen ratio (12UTC):
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) Sensible heat flux May 2006 Latent heat flux May 2006 Improvement of turbulent heat fluxes (Forest site) (No1D) COSMO-EU
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) Measurement-driven stand-alone simulations are a useful tool to study the model behaviour of the soil module TERRA in detail. Our valida- tion activities focussed to soil moisture processes as a key factor in near-surface boundary layer modelling. CONCLUSIONS By introducing some minor modifications the Bowen ratio could be improved in our one-month test data set at the measurement sites Falkenberg (grass) and Kehrigk (coniferous forest). The studies should be extended to several months in the annual cycle. In order to further improve the turbulent heat fluxes above forested areas the parameterisation of interception should be revised. In par- ticular its quantitative effect on the latent heat flux should be more precisely derived from the measurements.
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG)
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) MeasurementCOSMO-EUTERRA (stand-alone) End of snow period Transition zone (min->max) Transition zone (max->min) Plant cover soil moisture (3-9cm) sand Falkenberg (MOL DWD)
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG)
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) Soil moisture (3-9cm) Falkenberg site
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) Sensible heat flux May 2006 Latent heat flux May 2006 Improvement of turbulent heat fluxes (Falkenberg) Bowen ratio (12UTC):
Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Gerd Vogel (DWD FELG) Sensible heat flux May 2006 Latent heat flux May 2006 Improvement of turbulent heat fluxes (Forest site) (No1D) COSMO-EU