MAXI - Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image Physics of X-ray All Sky Monitors and MAXI Mission for International Space Station M.Matsuoka(1), H.Katayama(1), K.Kawasaki(1), N.Kuramata(1), M.Morii(1), N.Tomida(1), S.Ueno(1), T.Yokota(1), T.Mihara(2), N.Isobe(2), M.Kohama(2), I.Sakurai(2), M.Nakajima(2), H.Tsunemi(3), E.Miyata(3), N.Kawai(4), J.Kataoka(4), A.Yoshida(5) and H.Negoro(6) (1)JAXA(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), (2)RIKEN, (3)Osaka Univ., (4)Tokyo Inst. Tech., (5)Aoyama G. Univ., and (6)Nihon Univ. APRIM 2005, Bali, 2005 July Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
MAXI - Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image Contents Wide Field Camera vs. Narrow Field Telescope History of ASM Scientific Results with ASM MAXI Mission MAXI Mission MAXI Hardware / Sensitivity MAXI Ground System Multi-wavelength Observations with MAXI Summary
MAXI - Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image ASM vs. Narrow Field Telescope ASM Narrow Field Telescope Observe many targets together continuously Transient & bursting objts Discovery, then inform to general observatories Long-term variability of many targets Wide field sky population of X-ray sources Redshift: ~ 10 ? Observe only one target precisely for a certain time A scheduled target Follow up observations after ASM information Short-term variability of some scheduled targets Detailed obs. of spectra and structure in narrow fov. Redshift: ~ 7
MAXI - Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image History of ASM SatelliteCntyActive PeriodSensit.Results Vela5 a&bUSAlate 1960era >100 mC 2-10 keV -ray bursts, X-ray novae Ariel 5UKlate 1970era >50 mC 2-10 keV System. Obs. of X-ray novae GingaJpnlate 1980era >30 mC 2-20 keV Spectra of X-ray novae RXTEUSA mid ’ 90 -p resent >10 mC 2-10 keV System. Obs. of Galactic obj. SwiftUSA’05-present > 1 mC keV -ray bursts monitor satellite MAXIJpn2008? > 1 mC 2-20 keV Systematic obs. of Galactic & extra-Galactic objects A STROSAT India2007? > 10 mC 2-10 keV Similar to RXTE L obster -ISS ESAafter 2010 ? > 0.1 mC keV Having multi small mirrors
Wide band spectrum of Blazar Radio Optical X-ray γ-ray γ-ray Mrk 421 E vidence of SSC model!
MAXI Mission Promotion of Multi-wavelength Observations. Dynamics of Galactic and Extra-galactic Objects. Close Binary X-ray sources ( Black holes, Neutron stars ) Active Galactic Nuclei ( Giant black holes, Cosmic jets ) Creation of Data Base for Variable X-ray Sources. hours, days, months, year since 1960 era! Large Scale Mapping of Diffuse X-ray Sky. Soft X-ray Sky (Galactic ridge structure with atomic compon’t) CXB Fluctuation detection : <1 1.5 deg. 2 for two years.
Two-Year Mission on the Space Station MAXI scans almost the whole sky once every orbit (= every 90 mins)
Grapple Fixture for a robot arm Electronics Gas Slit Camera (GSC) : X-ray gas proportional counter Solid-state Slit Camera (SSC) : X-ray CCD Optical Star Sensor Radiator for X-ray CCDs 180cm 80cm 100cm Total weight: 490 kg MAXI Payload ATCS PIU RLG GPS
GSC (Gas PC) SSC (X-ray CCD) Sky Coverage Instant 2 %1.3 % 1 orbit90-98% Max 70% ImagingPSF1.5 deg (FWHM) PositionAccuracy < 6 arcmin Spectroscopy 2-30 keV ( 18 % ) keV ( <150 eV) Timing Accuracy 120 sec 3-16 sec Sensitiv- ity (5 ) 1 orbit 10 mCrab20 mCrab 1 week 1 mCrab 2 mCrab Real data (> 50 % ) From Detection to Alert 30 sec (Goal)~100 min Stored (< 50 %) From Detection to Alert 20 min – 3 hours User Interf- ace AlertInternet (mail, socket) DataImage, Spectum, Light curve via Web browser Alertdelay Specification of MAXI Thermal Mechanical Model 160 deg 1.5 deg (FWHM)
Time (days after outburst) Flux (Crab unit) X-ray spectra are detectable every day Detectable in one day Detectable in one week One Crab = 2.4x10 -9 erg sec -1 cm -2 One m Crab Tanaka & Shibazaki, Annu. Rev.Astron. Astrophys. 34 (1996), 607 X-ray Nova Light Curves and MAXI Detectability
Observation Simulation NASA/JAXA Real Data NASA On-board Stored Data JAXA On-board Stored Data Scan Time Position in FOV First Come First Analyzed Alert a Month ago, a Week ago, Yesterday, Today Longer-term & Sensitive Alert X-ray Nova Search Concept Quickness Completeness
Multi-wavelength Observations X-ray Novae, X-ray Transients Black hole binaries, Neutron star binaries AGN’s Long-term variability of Blazars, Seyfert galaxies, etc Multi-Wavelength Observatories –Radio, Optical telescope (small size is OK!) –In Japan Optical telescopes > 60 cm –MAGNAM (Mauna Kea, Univ. of Tokyo) –GLAST etc (Gamma-ray) –CANGAROO etc (TeV Gamma-ray)
MAXI/ISS Schedule 2008: ISS-JEM-MAXI completion goal ? Payloads for ISS (JEM), an omnibus system = Schedule is changeable. = ASM Science would not become out-of-date. ASM or Monitor astronomy could be one of important sciences? Please participate in multi-wavelength observations of active astronomical objects with MAXI. Please contact MAXI team if you are interesting in MAXI! or
MAXI - Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image Summary Dynamics of Galactic and Extra-galactic Objects: Multi-wavelength Observations are desirable. Creation of Data Base for Variable X-ray Sources: Necessity of Continuation of ASM missions. Large Scale Mapping of Diffuse X-ray Sky: Toward better Energy Resolution, Doppler-shift and Absorption etc at the enery band of 0.5~20 keV. Please participate in multi-wavelength observations with your telescopes. Please contact by or MAXI launching time: 2008.
MAXI - Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image Thank you for your attention!