New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th New results from B A B AR Marie-Hélène Schune Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire Orsay, France All numbers are preliminary Brookhaven National Laboratory Particle Physics Seminar May 20, 2002
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th New results from B A B AR I will not talk about –sin2 in charmonium modes : 1.B A B AR and PEPII 2.Charmless B decays : –B 0 , K or KK –B 0 0 0 3.The “B recoil” physics : –semileptonic branching fractions of B + and B 0 –D meson production in B decays sin2 0.75 0.09 fb -1 Winter 2002 conferences
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th –CKM matrix has 4 real parameters (one phase included) –2 are well known : =|V us |=sin( Cabbibo )= A =|V cb |/ 2 =0.83 0.06 –unitarity of the CKM matrix leads to constraints that can be tested: CKM matrix for 3 generations B d , , … B d J/ K s, D* + D* -,… B D* , DK, K B , , l, l,… B d B d, B d B D ( * ) l,D ( * ) ,… Unitarity Triangle
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th ) DIRC (PID) 1.5T solenoid CsI(Tl) EMC Instrumented Flux Return Silicon Vertex Tracker Drift Chamber e + (3.1GeV) e - (9GeV) SVT: 97% efficiency, 15 m z resol. (inner layers, perpendicular tracks) Tracking : p T )/p T = 0.13% P T 0.45% DIRC : K- separation >3 for P<3.5GeV/c EMC: E /E = 1.33% E -1/4 2.1% The B A B AR detector
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th 20025
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th PEP-II asymmetric B Factory 9GeV e - on 3.1GeV e + : s~10.58 GeV for B 0 : coherent neutral B pair production and decay (p-wave) boost of (4S) in lab frame : =0.55
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Running at the (4S) Off On PEP-II B A B AR
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th May 2 nd : –PEPII delivered : 87 fb -1 –BABAR recorded : 83 fb -1 (including 9 fb -1 off peak ) results for 55 fb -1 B factory performances daily integrated luminosity
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Charmless B decays Study of penguins diagrams Possible direct CP violation B 0 , K or KK –Branching fractions ( eff , ) –CP violations measurements ( eff, ) B 0 0 0 ( eff ) (,)(,)
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th B 0 and CP violation (1) BF(B 0 ) << BF(B 0 K ) penguins contributions may be large Hadronic Penguin Amplitude (P) Tree amplitude (T) Tree only : = f e 2i C =0 S =sin(2 ) Tree+Peng. C 0 S =sin(2 eff ) mixing e -2i
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th B 0 and CP violation (2) perfect flavour tagging & time resolution realistic mis-tagging & finite time resolution S =0.7 and C =0. f + : B 0 tag
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Main variables : –|cos S | : angle between the B 0 sphericity axis and the sphericity axis of the rest of the event – F : Fisher discriminant based on “energy flow cones” (CLEO) B 0 , K or KK kinematics “Jets” Candidate Axis of “Rest Event” Candidate |cos S | Candidate
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Signal MC ~2.6 MeV background B 0 , K or KK : m ES and E Energy substituted mass : –dominated by the beam energy knowledge E : assume mass –dominated by the tracking resolution ( E)~26 MeV KK KK ~325 MeV background m ES 45 MeV
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th B 0 , K or KK : the PID (1) The DIRC Measure Angle of Cherenkov Cone in quartz –Transmitted by internal reflection –Detected by PMTs Particle Quartz bar Cherenkov light Active Detector Surface
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th DIRC PMT +light catchers DIRC stand-off box, magnetic shielding and electronic crates
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th B 0 , K or KK : the PID (2) DIRC performances measured on data using D* D 0 and D 0 K ( c ) 2.2 mrad K/ separation 2.5 p range of 2-body B decays at B A B AR
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th B 0 , K or KK : analysis strategy Start with a B 0 h + h - (no PID) m ES ~17600 events for ~56 fb -1 unbinned max L with E, m ES, F, 1c, 2c measure N N K N KK and add t and tagging information (as for sin2 ), fix the yields extract S and C
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th B 0 B0KB0K B 0 , K or KK :branching fractions results ModeYield Branching Fraction (10 -6 ) K Asymmetry (A K B 0 + - B0K-+B0K-+ B 0 K + K - Likelihood projections : remove one 1 variable from fit ; cut on L proba m ES E small cross-feed ~83 B 0 ~356 B 0 K
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th B 0 , K or KK : BF comparison CLEO 9 fb -1 B A B AR 56 fb -1 BELLE 31fb -1 BF( B 0 + - )(10 -6 ) 4.3 1.6 0.7 1.1 0.4 BF( B 0 K - + )(10 -6 ) 17.2 2.5 1.1 1.8 1.5 BF( B 0 K - K + )(10 -6 ) <1.9 at 90%CL<1.1 at 90%CL<0.5 at 90%CL AKAK 0.05 0.08 0.01 BF(B 0 ) << BF(B 0 K )
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th B 0 , K or KK : CP analyses t Time information t : –resolution dominated by B tag vtx ( ( z) ~ 180 m) –extracted from data B reco sample (D (*) ,D (*) ,D (*) a 1 …) –Background shape : side bands Similar to sin(2 ) analyses
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th NN output Not Used Prob(B 0 ) B Flavour tagging methods For electrons, muons and kaons use the charge correlation b c dd l-l- B0B0 D, D* W- Lepton Tag b d B0B0 W- W+ cs K *0 d Kaon Tag Each category is characterized by the probability of giving the wrong answer (mistag fraction w ) Multivariate analysis exploiting the other kinematic information of the event, e.g., Momentum spectrum of the charged particles Information from non-identified leptons and kaons Soft from D* decay Neural Network Hierarchical, mutually exclusive, tagging categories
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th B 0 , K or KK : CP analyses tagging Split the events into 4 tagging categories : –leptons –kaons –NT1 –NT2 Performances obtained on data (B reco sample) Similar to sin(2 ) analyses NN type tagging leptons kaons NT1 NT2 m ES
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th B 0 , K or KK : CP analyses validation Validation : measure B on /K sample : Validation : measure m d B =1.66 0.09 ps m d =0.517 ps -1 Select the K events and plot A mix
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th B 0 , K or KK : CP analyses results S =-0.01 0.37 0.07 S [-0.66,+0.62] at 90 % CL C =-0.02 0.29 0.07 C [-0.54,+0.48] at 90 % CL ~ 27 B 0 ~9 Background ~25 B 0 ~9 Background Select the B 0 events Plot the asymmetry between B 0 tag and B 0 tag events
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th BBNS: QCD FACTORISATION APPROACH: M. Beneke, G. Buchalla, M. Neubert and C.T. Sachrajda Nucl.Phys.B606 (2001) 245 ( , ) constraints from S and C CKM Fitter H. Höcker, H. Lacker, S. Laplace and F. Le Diberder Eur. Phys. J. C (2001)
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th B 0 , K or KK : CP comparisons Belle (K Trabelsi Moriond): -C (BABAR) 2 (S C A
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Search for B 0 0 0 BF(B 0 0 0 ) : –measured isospin analysis to get from B 0 + - (M. Gronau, D. London Phys Rev Lett (1990)) –upper bound still a useful constraint: (Y. Grossman, H. Quinn Phys Rev D (1998)) Experimentally challenging : –low BF expected (th. predictions : few ) –purely neutral final state Recent results : Yieldlimit (10 -6 ) (90% CL) CLEO (9 fb -1 ) BELLE (30 fb -1 ) 12 6 5.6
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Main variables : –|cos S | : angle between the B 0 sphericity axis and the sphericity axis of the rest of the event – F : Fisher discriminant based on the “energy flow cones” –m EC : energy constrained mass – E = E * B – s/2 in the CMS Search for B 0 0 0 : analysis (1) “Jets” Candidate Axis of “Rest Event” F Candidate
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Search for B 0 0 0 : analysis (2) The B 0 background : –event shape similar to the signal one –m EC only slightly wider (small missing) – E is the only discriminating variable –in the fit : fix BF( B 0 )= (from CLEO upper limit) E (GeV) B 0B 0 B000B000
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Unbinned maximum L fit using F PDF and (m EC, E ) PDF Compare with an optimized cut and count analysis : Fit yield : Search for B 0 0 0 : results BF(B 0 0 0 ) < at 90 % CL Main systematics : neutral efficiency continuum m EC param. F param. B 0 yield 54 fb -1
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th The “B recoil” physics generic B decay B type known should allow (in principle !) to measure all B BF Will show : leptonic studies D 0 and D production
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th The “B recoil” physics B factories : the world’s largest sample of reconstructed B mesons 56 fb -1 B 0 sample N signal =13743 125 B + sample N signal =12909 120 Reconstruct the Cabibbo-favored hadronic decays :
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Inclusive semileptonic B decays Inclusive rate is large –Sides of the unitarity triangle |V cb | and |V ub | –B X c e is large –B X u e is an experimental challenge (0,0) ( ) (1,0)
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Compare b + /b 0 with (B + )/ (B 0 ) : Extract the prompt and cascade lepton spectrum from the charge correlation with the B reco : –B - X c e - –B + X c e + –B 0 : correct for mixing CLEO results (2.4 fb -1 ) using B 0 tagged sample and (4S) l : –b 0 = (10.78 0.60 0.69)% –b + = (10.25 0.57 0.65)% –b + /b 0 = Inclusive semileptonic B decays
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Electron identification Variables : –E/p –Shower shapes –DCH and DIRC Performances measured on data: 90% Backgrounds : - conversions 0 dalitz decays -J/ decays p (GeV)
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Background subtracted electrons spectra Rightsign Wrong sign B N right sign = N + p B 0 N right sign =N 0 p (1- d )+N 0 c d N wrong sign =N 0 p d +N 0 c (1- d ) results on 21 fb -1
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th b + /b 0 =.950 .080 .091 b + /b 0 =.99 .10 .03 b 0 and b + results BF results :ratio : B+B+ B0B0
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Inclusive branching fractions of B 0 and B + to charmed hadrons –Enters in the n c (= mean charm per B decay ) computation For each B specie two measurements are performed : The absolute BF : BF(B DX) with D = D 0 or D + –“large statistics” –Need (D) from MC The wrong D ratio : –Wrong D sample statistically limited –Need to correct for mixing for the B 0 –More MC independant D production in B decays DDDsc,…DDDsc,… b c s DDDsc,…DDDsc,… WRONG RIGHT q c B 0 or B - ( )
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th D production in B decays reconstruction Hadronic : –B 0 D* D* D*a 1 Semileptonic : B 0 D l fit to cos B-D*l variable m ES cos B-D*l D reconstruction : D 0 K and D K 50 fb -1
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th BF(B DX) Fit N( D ) and correct for B rec background BF(B DX) ( ) Brec : B 0 D*l M(K ) M(K ) Brec : B 0 D* D* D*a 1 BF( B 0 D 0 X)(%) Semilep 3.3 4.6 Hadronic 59.3 5.9 3.9 Combined 57.9 2.9 2.1 (*) 3.5 (**) ( ) BF( B 0 D X)(%) Semilep 2.8 3.9 Hadronic 35.3 4.3 3.8 Combined 35.6 2.3 1.1 (*) 3.6 (**) (*) Correlated syst. (**) Uncorrelated syst.
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th w (D) for neutral B mesons Correlate the D and the B flavours : –For B 0 : should correct for mixing done on an optimized time interval (| t|<2.5 ps) reduced statistical uncertainty, m d dependance obs = Mix Mix+Unmix = d + w (1 2 d ) Unmix Mix Brec : B 0 D*l Brec : B 0 D* D* D*a 1 M(K ) w ( B 0 D X) (%) Semilept. 7.3 3.7 1.9 Hadronic 8.9 7.1 1.8 Combined 7.7 3.3 1.4 0.8 w ( B 0 D 0 X ) (%) Semilept 3.5 2.4 Hadronic 9.6 4.7 1.1 Combined 13.1 2.8 1.5 0.6
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Results suggest B 0 spectator quark effect negligible in wrong D production Results consistent with world data (“ B admixture”) In the future : –Add the B sample –100 fb -1 – start to look for D s and c (looser B reco selection ?) BF( B 0 D 0 X ) = ( 50.3 3.0 3.7 ) % BF( B 0 D 0 X ) = ( 7.6 1.7 1.1 ) % BF( B 0 D + X) = ( 32.8 2.5 3.5 ) % BF( B 0 D - X) = ( 2.7 1.2 0.6 ) % D production in B decays Better understanding of the overall picture of the B decays Compare BF( B 0 D 0 + D + X) = (83.1 6.4) % with world data: BF( B admixt D 0 + D + X) = (78.5 3.4) % 30 or 51 fb -1
New results from B A B AR, Marie-Hélène Schune, BNL, May 20th Summary A true factory of B mesons : –BF(B 0 + - ) = (5.4 0.7 0.4) –BF(B 0 K + - ) = (17.8 1.1 0.8) Unfortunately not enough to get B 0 0 0 –BF(B 0 0 0 ) < at 90 % CL CP violation results : –S =-0.01 0.37 0.07 –C =-0.02 0.29 0.07 “B recoil” physics is starting : –Semi leptonic measurements –D mesons production in B decays BF( B 0 D 0 X ) = ( 50.3 3.0 3.7 ) % BF( B 0 D 0 X ) = ( 7.6 1.7 1.1 ) % BF( B 0 D + X) = ( 32.8 2.5 3.5 ) % BF( B 0 D - X) = ( 2.7 1.2 0.6 ) %