ABS Plastic – ABS stands for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene. This product of plastic is made through a polymerization of those monomers. Casting Wax- used in a lot of crafting items, like making rings, glass, etc.
Excellent resistance (no attack) to Glycerine, Inorganic Salts, Alkalis, Many Acids, Most Alcohols and Hydrocarbons Limited resistance (moderate attack and suitable for short term use only) to Weak Acids Poor resistance (not recommended for use with) Strong Acids and Solvents, Ketones, Aldehydes, Esters, and some Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Maximum Temperature: 176°F 80°C Minimum Temperature: -4°F -20°C Autoclavable: No Melting Point: 221°F 105°C Tensile Strength: 4,300 psi Hardness: R110 UV Resistance: Poor Translucent Rigid Specific Gravity: This information chart was taken from the link above. ABS Plastic Product Information Chart
dia/en/2/20/Bronze_casting_by_th e_Lost_Wax_Method.jpg I found this diagram of a type of wax casting. It’s called “lost Wax” casting, that involves losing the wax when the clay is molded and bronze is added to the clay.