Cabrillo Boulevard Bridge Over Mission Creek Replacement COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT HEARING May 14, 2014 Agenda Item W 22B.


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Presentation transcript:

Cabrillo Boulevard Bridge Over Mission Creek Replacement COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT HEARING May 14, 2014 Agenda Item W 22B

Applicant Presentation  Project Location  Existing and New Bridge  Project Improvements  Bridge Design  Construction  Special Conditions  Conclusion City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 2

Reapply For Coastal Permit  Project previously approved by Commission in April 2008  Extensions were granted until 2013  Permit expired due to delay in project  Project right of way delay now resolved  Reapplied for essentially the same project City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 3

Project Location  Cabrillo Blvd (primary arterial)  Waterfront near downtown State St  Adjacent to Stearns Wharf  Over Mission Creek Estuary City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 4

Existing Bridge  Constructed 1913, widened in1928, beachway added 1977  Structurally deficient, RC girders  Historical barrier rail downstream  Deteriorated walls/banks City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 5

Existing Bridge City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 6

New Bridge City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 7

Project Improvements  Complete structural replacement  Increased flood capacity and remove part building over creek upstream, coordinated with Lower Mission Creek Flood Control Project  Bank protection/restoration downstream  Reconstruction of creek walls upstream  Increased sidewalk widths City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 8

New Bridge View from Wharf City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 9 Photo zoomed in to show architectural features, not representative of bulk and scale from public viewing locations

Bridge Design  Maintains110 foot width and location  Length increased from 122 to 131 feet  (4) vehicle lanes, turning lane, 9 & 17 foot sidewalks, and 18 foot beachway  Precast concrete bridge deck on piles  Cast-in-place faux sandstone walls  Bioengineered revetment and native riparian plantings City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 10

Bridge Design City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 11

Architectural Details  Barrier rail matches historic architecture while maintaining water views  Mission creek walls with faux sandstone pattern, texture, and color City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 12

Downstream Creek Restoration City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 13

Construction  Broken into three stages to maintain traffic in both directions and satisfy environmental requirements  Two years starting in fall 2014  Stage 1: Drill center piles, bldg demo  Stage 2: North side bridge, walls, temporary beachway bridge, utilities  Stage 3: South side bridge, creek banks City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 14

Construction Stage 1-Fall 2014 City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 15

Construction Stage City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 16

Construction Stage City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 17

Special Conditions  Compliance with mitigation measures  Air/water quality, biological, traffic, etc.  Permits received from ACOE, RWQCB, CDFW, SHPO, USFWS, NMFS, City HLC, CEQA MND, NEPA CE  Timing of operations – built into stages  Completed tidewater goby and aquatic species management plan City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 18

Special Conditions  Biological surveys and construction monitoring  Tidewater goby preconstruction monitoring has been occurring since 2008  Other nearby projects confirmed method  Protection of water quality – erosion control plans completed  Excavated material – to be disposed in TBD location outside Coastal Zone City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 19

Special Conditions  Habitat Enhancement and Revegetation Monitoring Program  Completed, revisions to be discussed with staff regarding certain plant species  Herbicide use to be avoided or restricted use to Habitat TM (aquatic)  Special Conditions nearly identical to those in 2008 and acceptable to City City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 20

Project Stakeholders/Support  City Public Works, Parks & Recreation, Waterfront, Creeks  County Flood Control, Caltrans, FHWA  Arts & Crafts Show, Wharf Merchants  Nearby hotel, retail, restaurants  Transit District, Tour Buses, Chamber of Commerce Visitor’s Center City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 21

Conclusion  Staff has found that the development as conditioned will be in conformity with the Coastal Act  We request your approval of the Coastal Development Permit before you today  Thank you City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 22

Sea Level Rise/Wave Uprush City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 23

Sea Level Rise/Wave Uprush City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 24

Sea Level Rise/Wave Uprush City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 25

Sea Level Rise/Wave Uprush City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department 26