Photovoltaic thermocouple is a large semiconductor component which is capable of converting light into electrical energy.It uses the photovoltaic effect.
Big thermocouple:0,443 V Both together:0,751V Small thermocouple:0,239 V
Big thermocouple:0,000V Small thermcouple:0,000V Both together:0,000V
Big thermocouple: 0,583V Small thermocouple:0,318V Both together:0,894V
Big thermocouple:1,578V Small thermocouple: 0,412V Both together:1,185V
Big thermocouple:0,145V Both together:0,325V Small thermocouple:0,122V
Big thermocouple:0,443V Small thermocouple:0,239V Both together:0,751V
-Greater area of a solar thermocouple will get more energy -solar thermocouples are inefficient because our two solar thermocouples are just able to power the appliance with the low voltage