B IOMES Fanni Szemkeo
T HE R AINFOREST There are two types of Rainforest’s. One is called the Temperate and the other is called the Tropical. The tropical rainforest is 40% of earth’s Tropical forest’s on earth. The rainforest is 20% out of all the forest’s in the world. Half of earth’s animal’s and plant’s live in the Rainforest. All the forest’s in the world cover 6-7% earth’s surface. In the Tropical Rainforest 30 Acre’s of tree’s are cut down every minute. Also every second a part of the rainforest that is the size of a football field is destroyed or damaged.
A NIMAL ’ S OF THE RAINFOREST The bearded pig One way the bearded pig is well adapted to the rainforest is it’s snout is long so that it can dig around in the sand or soil to find fallen fruit and nut’s. Then some times invades field’s of root crops. It also follows gibbons and macaques to get the fruit they drop.
P LANT ’ S OF THE RAIN FOREST The peacock plant They are adapted to the low light of the forest floor. It’s brooded can help leave’s it catch limited light. It’s brooded leave’s can fold up at night.
T HE T UNDRA The Tundra is at the top of the world. The sand or soil is frozen underneath the ice. The water there is pretty much unavailable during the year. There is about ten inch’s of rainfall during the year. Or twenty-five centimeter’s. There is very little rainfall at the Tundra. The Tundra is very dry.
A NIMALS OF THE TUNDRA Polar bear One way the polar bear is adapted to the tundra is that it’s thick fur keeps it warn at the winter. Another way that the polar bear is adapted to the tundra is that it’s fur match’s the snow and it can sneak up to catch it’s food.
P LANT ’ S OF THE TUNDRA Cotton grass One way cotton grass is adapted to the tundra is that the wind picks up’s it’s seed’s and spead’s them.