Science Birds By: Avery M. & Jacob R.
BIRD BEAKS Nut Cracking Beak - The pointed tip pulls pieces of shell away Fish Spearing – The long narrow beak helps spear fish
BIRD BEAKS Seed Crushing – The short, triangular beak acts like a hatchet to open seeds. Scooping – Shaped like a pouch to help scoop the fish
BIRD BEAKS Tearing – The beak is long and curved to tear flesh Probing – The beak is straight and strong for probing wood for insects
BIRD FEET Grasping – Strong foot for grabbing and subduing prey Climbing – Two toes forward and to toes backwards for grabbing the tree
BIRD FEET Scratching – Sharp and strong for digging for food Wading - Thin and spread out to walk on mud and prevent sinking
BIRD FEET Swimming – Toes are webbed to help push against the water and swim Perching – Flexible with three toes to help sit on branch