1 Decision aiding in the Public Administration in Italy Interventions of MC decision aiding in different sectors of the Public Administration Logical classification to identify contexts of action Demand of MC tools (methods, SW packages, models and procedures) New tools? Maria Franca Norese – Politecnico di Torino LAMSADE, 12 – 4 – 2008
2 Evaluation and selection of projects MC support to the monitoring (and control) of the PA procedures The choice of the most economically advantageous offer MC classification of all the evaluation selection procedures Participative decision contexts Support to project groups in the PA or for the PA Insertion of new technologies in the PA Development of new products for the PA Support to the PA in the choice of new technologies Relationship between private and public sectors Public sector at different levels
3 Evaluation and selection of projects MC support to the monitoring (and control) of the PA procedures The choice of the most economically advantageous offer MC classification of all the evaluation selection procedures Participative decision contexts Support to project groups in the PA or for the PA Insertion of new technologies in the PA Development of new products for the PA Support to the PA in the choice of new technologies Relationship between private and public sectors Public sector at different levels [ELECTRE TRI, DEA] [ELECTRE III] [AHP] [MC sorting methods or ??] [ELECTRE TRI] [AHP and ELECTRE III] [cognitive maps and MC models]
4 Evaluation and selection of projects MC support to the monitoring (and control) of the PA procedures The choice of the most economically advantageous offer MC classification of all the evaluation selection procedures Participative decision contexts Support to project groups in the PA or for the PA Insertion of new technologies in the PA Development of new products for the PA Support to the PA in the choice of new technologies Relationship between private and public sectors Public sector at different levels [MC sorting methods or ??] [cognitive maps and MC models] Demand of training and/or continuing education Demand of research and new tools [integration of competencies and methods from different fields]