Participants RIVM UV/O3 BIRA + Belgian User Support and Operation centre (ESA) NILU Evergreen: verify emissions through IM, PROMOTE Uni Leister: GMES-GATO, data provider, integrated systems WMO IGACO Uni Heidelberg: products for radiation budget, GHG’s from satellites Uni Bremen: GHG’s, EVERGREEN, data provider EC/JRC: KP policy
(Potential) User Segment KP and MP National and International emission inventory agencies: Parties to Conventions Industrial entities/ Industrial research organization / Inversion Modelling / Data assimilation research community KP / GHG’s Biochemical Cycles research community Researches are usually providers and users (project based. CARBO-EUROPE) Research policy makers Climate change research MP / UV Biomedical community (exposure habits) Paint companies, L’Oreal, … Agricultural effect on crops Voluntary (tourism) + involuntary outdoor people: public information/forecast Public Awareness
User Needs (1) KP and MP Anthropogenic emissions for verification of bottom-up official data: country scale Inverse Modelling / Data Assimilation (emissions + concentrations) Will need integrated observations (satellite products + ground + A/C) KP Land-Use & Land-Use Change & Forestry C-sink Clean Development Mechanisme Emissions Aerosol fields to do atmospheric corrections in retrievals of GHG’s ? Averaged optical properties (from ground-based & satellites) Post-Kyoto Integrate with conventional pollutants (aerosols, O3, …) MP / UV Concentration measurements: Strat O3, CFC’s, HFC’s Aerosol fields, cloud fields, tropospheric trace gasses O3, NO2 for UV Surface albedo (e.g. snow) for UV forecast,
Atmospheric Chemistry Applications Workshop ESTEC January Monitoring De- & Reforestation
User Needs (1) KP and MP Anthropogenic emissions for verification of bottom-up official data: country scale Inverse Modelling / Data Assimilation (emissions + concentrations) Will need integrated observations (satellite products + ground + A/C) KP Land-Use & Land-Use Change & Forestry C-sink Clean Development Mechanisme Emissions Aerosol fields to do atmospheric corrections in retrievals of GHG’s ? Averaged optical properties (from ground-based & satellites) Post-Kyoto Integrate with conventional pollutants (aerosols, O3, …) MP / UV Concentration measurments: Strat O3, CFC’s, HFC’s Aerosol fields, cloud fields, tropospheric trace gasses O3, NO2 for UV Surface albedo (e.g. snow) for UV forecast,
User Needs (2) Biogeochemical cycle studies Estimation of biogenic & anthropogenic emissions and sinks Oceanic/Terrestrial Stocks (e.g. forests) GCOS: atmospheric composition, essential climate variables for UNFCCC IGACO: science driven ! GMES-GATO:
Atmospheric Chemistry Applications Workshop ESTEC January Chemical species Air Quality Oxidation Capacity Climate Stratospheric Ozone Depletion O3O3 CO UV-A j(NO 2 ) UV-B j(O 3 ) H 2 O (water vapour) HCHO C2H6C2H6 active nitrogen: NO x = NO+NO 2 reservoir species: HNO 3 SO 2 active halogens: BrO, ClO, OClO reservoir species: HCl, ClONO 2 sources: CH 3 Br, CFC-12, CFC- 11, HCFC-22 aerosol optical properties CO 2 CH 4
Atmospheric Chemistry Applications Workshop ESTEC January
10 Target and Threshold Requirements for Aerosol