Orlando Bloom: The Right Choice By: Max Cohen, Jake Gehring, Sam I, Jake Riberi, and Mark Vlah Mods 5-6
Introduction Dear Warner Brothers studio, Our group is planning to create a movie based on the Greek story, The Odyssey. However, we need to hire actors that can play the roles of the characters. We have had success finding most actors, but we need someone to play the role of the main character, Telemachos. We have considered many actors and have narrowed it down to the best choice. We would like Orlando Bloom to play the part of Telemachos.
Bloom’s Experience Notable Films: ●Troy ●Kingdom of Heaven ●Pirates of the Carribean Series ●Lord of the rings series ●Zulu ●Blackhawk Down ●The Hobbit Series
Orlando’s Connection to The Odyssey Orlando will have a thorough understanding of the background of The Odyssey because he played a role in the movie, Troy. This movie focuses on the Trojan War, the fall of Troy, and the disappearance of Odysseus.
Orlando’s Connection to The Odyssey Orlando Bloom has played roles in multiple movie series involving long journeys and voyages. These series include The Pirates of the Caribbean, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings. Therefore, he will do a great job in The Odyssey, in which Telemachos makes a long journey to find news of his father.
Orlando’s Connection to The Odyssey Orlando played a major role in Black Hawk Down, a war movie filled with pain and struggle. He would be great for The Odyssey because Telemachos endures pain and suffering before and during his journey. For example, suitors essentially take over Telemachos’ household and attempt to court his mother, which strongly upsets him.
In Conclusion Orlando bloom is by far your best choice for the role of Telemachos. With his cunning looks, impressive acting skills, extensive movie background, and experience with similar roles, Orlando is the one and only choice for Telemachos in your movie. He will allow us to make a very nice profit.