Vertebrata The Fishes
Superclass Agnatha Jawless Fishes
Superclass Agnatha Class Myxini – hagfishes Class Cephalaspidomorphi - lampreys
Class Cephalaspidomorphi Suctorial mouth with horny teeth Nasal sac not connected to pharynx Seven pairs of gill pouches Includes the lampreys
Life Cycle of the Sea Lamprey
Lamprey feeding
Superclass Gnathostomata Jawed Fishes
Types of Tail Fins among Fishes
Types of Scales among Fishes
Chondrichthyes Characteristics Heterocercal tail Cartilaginous skeleton Placoid scales Five to seven pairs of gills with separate openings No operculum No swim bladder. Includes the sharks, skates, rays, chimaeras.
External Anatomy of the Shark
Sensory Structures of the Head
Internal Anatomy of the Shark
Shark Diversity
Group Osteichthyes Bony Fishes
Osteichthyes Class Actinopterygii – ray-finned fishes Homocercal tail Ganoid, cycloid and ctenoid scales Includes most bony fishes Class Sarcopterygii – lobe-finned fishes Diphycercal tail Dermal scales Mostly extinct but includes lungfishes and the coelacanth
Class Actinopterygii Ray-finned Fishes
Actinopterygii Characteristics Fish primitively with fusiform body but variously modified Bony skeleton Single gill opening on each side covered with operculum Usually swim bladder present
Anatomy of the Bony Fish