The Spanish Civil War
What was the Spanish Civil War? A war fought between the democratically elected Republican government and the Rebel Fascists led by the military who sought to overthrow them. A war fought between the democratically elected Republican government and the Rebel Fascists led by the military who sought to overthrow them. However, was not a black and white conflict. However, was not a black and white conflict. Within camps of each side there were different political ideologies at play and competing social, political, and economic views and interests. Within camps of each side there were different political ideologies at play and competing social, political, and economic views and interests.
Definitions Social Stratification: Form of inequality in which categories of people are ranked in a hierarchy on the basis of their access to scarce but valued resources. Social Stratification: Form of inequality in which categories of people are ranked in a hierarchy on the basis of their access to scarce but valued resources. Systemic Inequality: System-wide, affecting a group or system such as an economy, market or society as a whole that produces inequality. Systemic Inequality: System-wide, affecting a group or system such as an economy, market or society as a whole that produces inequality. Anarcho-Syndicalism: Branch of anarchism which focuses a co-operative system, replacing capitalism, and the state, democratically managed by the workers. Wage system is wage slavery which creates class system. Anarcho-Syndicalism: Branch of anarchism which focuses a co-operative system, replacing capitalism, and the state, democratically managed by the workers. Wage system is wage slavery which creates class system.
More Definitions Class Consciousness: Consciousness of one's social class or economic rank in society, and the action to pursue the interests of your class. Class Consciousness: Consciousness of one's social class or economic rank in society, and the action to pursue the interests of your class. US class clouded by race. To have “class consciousness” in this context one would see beyond race and recognize common denominator; poverty. US class clouded by race. To have “class consciousness” in this context one would see beyond race and recognize common denominator; poverty. Fascism: Organic community, singular collective identity, and strong leader. Directs economy and creates employment. Authoritarian, uses violence and threat of it to maintain adherence to the nation. Deny freedom of speech………..and maintain hierarchical class structure. Fascism: Organic community, singular collective identity, and strong leader. Directs economy and creates employment. Authoritarian, uses violence and threat of it to maintain adherence to the nation. Deny freedom of speech………..and maintain hierarchical class structure.
Spain Pre Civil War Backward: Early 20 th Century had small industrial sector in the north. Backward: Early 20 th Century had small industrial sector in the north. 70% lived off the land, 52% employed in agriculture which was Spain’s main resource. 70% lived off the land, 52% employed in agriculture which was Spain’s main resource. 67% of the land was in the hands of 2% of the population. 67% of the land was in the hands of 2% of the population. Dominated financially by the Large landowners and the Catholic Church/Conservative and traditional. Dominated financially by the Large landowners and the Catholic Church/Conservative and traditional. urban poor, monarchy, church, strong military, large land owners, and loss of empire. urban poor, monarchy, church, strong military, large land owners, and loss of empire.
Monarchy, Church, Military First republic Largely supported by communists, socialists, liberals, and republicans. Rigid social structure, opposed by traditional forces. First republic Largely supported by communists, socialists, liberals, and republicans. Rigid social structure, opposed by traditional forces. Monarch reinstalled by the military, which favored the traditional Spanish social structure which had dominated society. Monarch reinstalled by the military, which favored the traditional Spanish social structure which had dominated society constitutional monarchy. The support of dictatorship constitutional monarchy. The support of dictatorship. Miguel Primo de Rivera ( ) modernized country somewhat but social structure and access to wealth remained unchanged for the workers. Miguel Primo de Rivera ( ) modernized country somewhat but social structure and access to wealth remained unchanged for the workers.
Church Church leaders welcomed the coup, as the parliament continually attempted to curb the Churches power and privilege in Spanish society. Church leaders welcomed the coup, as the parliament continually attempted to curb the Churches power and privilege in Spanish society. Early 20 th Century Church owned 1/3 of the wealth, and was major investor in factories tying it closely to business and the oppression of the workers. Early 20 th Century Church owned 1/3 of the wealth, and was major investor in factories tying it closely to business and the oppression of the workers.
Military Historically a prestigious and respected sector within Spanish society. Historically a prestigious and respected sector within Spanish society Loss of empire, military turns its duty of defense domestically Loss of empire, military turns its duty of defense domestically. Imperial defeat turns Spain into powerful political lobby, guarding against loss of income and prestige. Imperial defeat turns Spain into powerful political lobby, guarding against loss of income and prestige. Weary of change, views its new role as the protector of status quo. Weary of change, views its new role as the protector of status quo.
Tensions Monarchy/Church/Military v. Society and Social Change Monarchy/Church/Military v. Society and Social Change Land Owners/Industrialists v. Agrarian Farmers/Peasants and Urban Working Class. Land Owners/Industrialists v. Agrarian Farmers/Peasants and Urban Working Class. Fascism/Dictatorship v. Liberal Democracy/Socialism/ Anarchism Fascism/Dictatorship v. Liberal Democracy/Socialism/ Anarchism Haves v. The Have Nots Haves v. The Have Nots