Multi-Node Real Time Flight Simulator (Outline of the topic, Oct/26/2004) Donghyuk Jeong Aerospace Eng.
Outline. Real-time Flight simulator. Using several computers (multi-nodes) Get data from input devices. Get data from input devices. Calculate Real-time Equation of Motions. Calculate Real-time Equation of Motions. Manage data flow between nodes. Manage data flow between nodes. 3D Graphic processing and display. 3D Graphic processing and display. Independent to OS and developing tools. Independent to OS and developing tools.
Specification -Programming Language -Microsoft Visual C++ (Windows API) -Input Device -Joystick( for airplane) -Direct Input (DirectX SDK) -Networking -TCP/IP, Window socket programming.
Specification (continue.) -3D Graphics -OpenGl, GLUT
System Block Diagram Sever (Managing data flow) Input Device 0 Input Device 2 ……. Input Device n Computing EOMs Input Device 1 Output Device 0 Output Device 1 Output Device 2 …….. Output Device m
Applications Monitor based display Head Mounted Display CAVEsHapticetc