Virtual Reality in Medical Hazimah Aziz Renee Emilia Pondren Muhammad Yusri Tamrin
Theraphy medication… virtual reality for therapy uses 3-dimensional computer simulation in combination with physiological monitoring and feedback to treat panic and anxiety disorders. conditions include specific phobias such as : fear of heights social phobia panic disorder, etc…
How ? … places the client in a computer-generated world where they "experience" the various stimuli related to their phobia wear a head-mounted display(HMD) with small TV monitors and stereo earphones to receive both visual and auditory cues. teach the patient how to control automatic responses to anxiety-provoking situations. the client is exposed to these virtual experiences that elicit increasingly higher levels of anxiety.
Each stage can be repeated until the client is comfortable with the experience and satisfied with their response. At every step, the therapist can see and hear what the client is experiencing in the virtual world If the level of anxiety becomes overwhelming, the client can return to a less stressful level of treatment, or simply remove the head-mounted display and exit the virtual world. -FIN-