Module I: Exponential Growth and Decay Instructor’s Guide
Module I: Learning Goals & Objectives Goal: Students will understand exponential growth and exponential decay for a system Objectives: Students will be able to * Characterize exponential growth using the doubling time or rate of growth * Characterize exponential decay using the half-life or rate of decay
Module Outline Homework Assignment: Exponential Growth Tutorial Classroom Follow-up –Small group discussion –Summary of Key Concepts –Personal Response System (PRS) Questions –Final Facts
Homework Assignment Exponential Growth Tutorial Link Here
Key Concepts (After small group discussion) Doubling Time for Exponential Growth Half-life for Exponential Decay Doubling time for US and World Populations
Key Concepts Historical Graph of World Population Graph of World Population Predictions
Possible PRS Question 1 There are 2000 bacteria in a petri dish. If the bacteria have a doubling time of 3 hours, how many will there be in the petri dish after 6 hours?
Possible PRS Question 2 World oil consumption is currently growing at a rate of 2% per year. How long will it take for world oil consumption to be twice what it is today if this rate remains constant?
Final Facts 2004 US Population = 300 million 2004 World Population = 6400 million US Population is 4.7% of World’s Doubling time about 50 years
Correlation with Ohio Academic Content Standards Math Benchmarks 8-10 Patterns, Functions and Algebra - Generalize and explain patterns and sequences in order to find the next term and the nth term 8-10 Data Analysis and Probability - Construct convincing arguments based on analysis of data and interpretation of graphs
Correlation with Ohio Academic Content Standards Science Benchmarks 6-8 Scientific Inquiry - Apply appropriate math skills to interpret quantitative data 9-10 Scientific Inquiry - Use mathematical models to predict and analyze natural phenomenon.
Related Ohio Academic Content Standards 3-5 Science Benchmarks Explain the characteristics, cycles, and patterns involving Earth. (Earth & Space Science) Compare the characteristics of simple physical and chemical changes. (Physical Sciences) Organize and evaluate observations, measurements, and other data to formulate inferences and conclusions. (Scientific Inquiry) Use results and data from investigations to provide the evidence to support explanations and conclusions. (Scientific Inquiry)
Acknowledgements Thanks to all