General Comments about the Final The final will primarily focus on the material in the last part of the course Material from 1 through 6 that appear on the final will be listed in the following slides
General Questions Types of questions –Define the term –Whats the difference between? –What is? –When would it be used? –Give an advantage –Give a disadvantage –What is the purpose of? –Recall an important fact about a particular term
Concept Questions List advantages and disadvantages Describe a concept in a few sentences List operations, categories of information, conditions List alternative approaches List functions, policies, and mechanisms How to questions Give examples of
Algorithm Understanding Given a specific case, describe the results of an algorithm. These questions will be similar to examples that we went over in class Algorithms include –Disk scheduling –Page replacement –Process scheduling –Exponential averaging
Lab related questions These questions will primarily focus on the last two labs There could be a question related to an earlier lab about a concept that is important to the understanding of how our batch sequencing system works
Algorithm Pseudo-code Be able to describe the following algorithms in pseudo- code. –Producer consumer problem –Dining philosopher problem –Reader writer problem –Deadlock avoidance algorithm –Deadlock prevention algorithm –Disk scheduling algorithms Note: Good pseudo code should have enough detail so a competent programmer could implement the algorithm based on the pseudo-code. It should not be so detailed that it would be easier to read the code than to read the pseudo- code